by Jonathan “Fanfic Fetishist” Spires
All characters copyrighted to their original owners. If you like what you see, please support me on Patreon or with a one-time Paypal donation. Every little bit helps keep a roof over my head and keeps me writing!
A laboratory…
Nicole the Holo-Lynx isn’t one to have wants. She is mostly content with her life. She’s grown so much from being
By: FanficFetishist
Some Assistance Required
By TwrchTwryth
"Hey, Briley, could I talk to you for a minute?"
Briley Wiggins looked up. The high school senior had been crouching at her waist-level locker, swapping out books between English and Government. At first she couldn't tell who it was standing over her, some girl in a long, black-and-yellow flower-print dress with a belly bulging out and blocking her face. Briley sighed and stood up. She found herself now looking down on Minami Mullins, whose pale skin was f
Some Assistance Required
By: TwrchTwryth
YWATA: Liquid Vignettes (Legacy)
By TwrchTwryth
September 25, 2005 :: Get Milk
"So, Ronni told me that you're a vore too, but you do things differently. She wouldn't tell me how, but said I needed to talk with you."
Paris Morris smiled politely. She had been sitting in the Willow Grove enjoying the heat and reading a trashy historical fiction novel (her guilty pleasure). The senior had power-loaded her sophomore and junior years, and now could take things easy in her last year of school. She did
YWATA: Liquid Vignettes (Legacy)
By: TwrchTwryth
Jem-and-I 7: A Couple of Boobs
By TwrchTwryth
The video has two title cards, one being a golden logo JEM-AND-I PRODUCTIONS, and the other being a copyright disclaimer with a reminder that the performers are over 18.
The video begins over the shoulder of a blonde woman in a gray tank top walking through an apartment complex on a bright sunny day. She looks over her shoulder and winks at the camera, confirming that it is either Chrystal or Bijou, . Apartment numbers are blurred out as they walk by
Jem-and-I 7: A Couple of Boobs
By: TwrchTwryth
A nice evening all for themselves. What more could they ask for.
Supposedly, the other girls were going to be training by themselves, leaving Pyrrha and Jaune to train on their own. They already had some idea that the two had something going for each other, though how far it went, no one could tell… so they’d find out when they got back!
They weren’t training though. Pyrrha was sitting on his dorm’s w
Jaune's needs.
By: Keep3r