The helicopter was annoying.
Missy took deliberate steps, looking down everywhere she went. Main Street was a desolate ruin, fire and brimstone raining down from the remains of her initial rampage. Every time she turned her head back, she was overcome by a particular feeling that possessed her, centered at her core, just above her crotch. Every death she caused…
Missy took another step.
Yet another straggler’s viscera now speckled t
Thorned Roses (pt 2)
By: Alumni
“Ugh, why do they always give us such stupid assignments?” Britney muttered under her breath as the classroom door latched shut behind her. “Like, I’m a literature major, what does this stupid biology class have to do with anything?” She hoisted her butt up onto one of the many stools posted around the room, some scattered haphazardly between the rows of flat desks. Her short skirt flared out as her ass pressed into the hard wooden seat, and she grunted in annoyance.
“Like, c
Unattended Project
By: 3l33thax0r