The Zielinski Sisters & the Pleasure ChestBy TwrchTwrythUniverse 987ℚ8e78⋕9-a"You know, Jules, I never would have expected this from you," Amelia Zielinski remarked, setting down her now empty glass of muscat wine on the dresser. "This seems much more like a me thing to do."Julia Zielinski looked over her glasses at her sister. She knew what Amelia meant, thought about how to respond, and decided to just go for it. "What, because you're normally the one who's a giant slut?"Amelia just gr
The Zielinski Sisters & the Pleasure Chest
By: TwrchTwryth
Just a Little Fling
Serena hung on every message that popped onto her phone, as if it were an emergency. Some days she felt like it might as well be. The thirty-eight year old woman loved her husband of nineteen years, Nathan, but… she felt as though he was too caught up in his career to really give her the attention she craved. She needed some excitem
Just a Little Fling
By: Badviper
Jelly Belly “Everyone OK?” A voice rasped as the smoke filled room’s exhaust fans kicked on humming loudly. Several groans and coughs rang out as the woman ears stopped ringing from the explosion as she looked around two other co-workers getting to their feet as the smoke cleared. “Kelly?” A intercom in the room called out. “What happened? Are you OK?” Shaking her head Kelly sighed. “I..I think, just shaken. Need de-con.. to.. to the showers Alex, Tina..”She said fixing her gl
Jelly Belly
By: grim667