Author Type: Gallery User
Registered Since: 16 years ago
Last Seen: Mar 24th, 2025
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Story 99
The sound of the door
chime rang out round the fairly large ground-floor flat in the south
of Amsterdam. In the main room, three young men lounging on the sofa,
watching the television, straightened up almost as one, looking at
one another.
It’s her.
They all thought it, though none of them said it, smiles of
excitement spreading across their faces. The one closest to the door
sprang to his feet and hurried to go and answer – as though
somehow, if he kept her waiting, s
Story 99
Eleven years ago, I posted these questions here on Eka's Portal. My characters have multiplied since then, their lives have moved forward and we've learnt more about them. So it seems like a good time to ask these questions again.
= = = =
If you had the opportunity to meet any of my characters (recurring or not):
1) Which one would you most like to befriend? (In the sense of becoming good, close friends.)
2) Which one would you most like to simply hang out with from time to time?
3) Which one would you most like to be eaten by? (Or, if you're pred: Which one would you most like to eat? Or if you're observer: Which one would you like to watch eating someone, or being eaten?)
4) Which one would you most like to...
[ Continued ... ]
Posted by Avenger233 7 months ago Report
Will u write private stories for Mitsuko and patricia one day?They are charming
Posted by Drpepper3ds 3 years ago Report
I love the inanimate tf and food tf stuff! there's never enough of it and to the standard you write it! Please could you write more! you do it so well.
Posted by NightRoller 4 years ago Report
How did it take me SO LONG to notice that your icon is a personalized version of the default on here?!
Admittedly, I grew accustomed to your profile image from other sites, but nonetheless my self-disappointment is severe.
[ Reply ]
Posted by BunnyWrites 5 years ago Report
Oh lol, I've a tendency to do that too. I saved my first two stories as myStory1.rtf and myStory2.rtf too. I'm trying to be a bit more descriptive with my titles so I can better organise them later, but there's only so many ways you can phrase "girl eats other girl."
Posted by BunnyWrites 5 years ago Report
I've been a big fan of your stories for a long time. One thing I've always wondered though if it isn't rude to ask, what's with the naming scheme you use? Is it just easier to use numbers?
Posted by Tarip 7 years ago Report
It seems like the Junaya and Tarip have all their bases covered. It is interesting that the only thing protecting a Tarip from being eaten when they don't want to be is that it would hurt a Junaya's reputation. Then again, i guess they wouldn't be concerned because generally they don't mind being eaten. Also interesting that the Tarip at Junaya feasts are just as much guests as the Junaya are - even though they're also food.
Anyway, I don't mean to spam your shout box with comments. Thanks again for answering my questions.
Posted by Tarip 7 years ago Report
Hi! I just made my account here, but I've been reading your stories for a few years now.
I was curious if you ever considered returning to the Aenhue stories. I always thought it would be interesting to see a story about Junaya characters pushing the boundaries of their society and how the others would react to them.
Anyway, thanks for posting your writings.
Posted by tuyulacil 8 years ago Report
French Snack write :
I once had a story idea, which I never wrote but which would have gone something like this:
A married couple are in the process of splitting up. They don't hate each other or anything; it's just that married life hasn't worked out for them. As they're preparing for divorce, the wife asks her husband whether she can eat him. He agrees. They get their divorce, amicably. A few days later, she shrinks him. She eats him (he's still willing). After she's swallowed, her new boyfriend, who had been waiting in another room, comes in. She has blissful sex with her boyfriend, while her ex-husband is being digested in her tummy.
i can't wait this story.. please..
in my dream.. i don't good enough sex for my wife, my wife no feel chemistry with me any more.. she start cheat.. i start enjoy become cuckold hubby.. and the climax is .. she make me small in real .. just like your idea..
i just share my dream.. thanks a lot