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Author Type: Gallery User
Registered Since: 6 months ago
Last Seen: Oct 17th, 2024
Views: 1,468
mistyslnd on discord.
The Devil's Own Luck (M/F)
No matter how many times I experienced it, I never quite grew accustomed to the sensation of dying. For an instant I am not one, but an infinite many, a boundless and tumultuous cyclone of innumerable souls all united in the gospel choir of grace. And then I’m snatched away, and I am one again; a single, flawed, lonely Tarnished. And I only see that choir again in my restless dreams, and some part of me longs to shed this individuality and return to it. And after that transcen
Every month, Brittany was part of some new hobby or movement. She always bought in seemingly overnight, abandoning her previous hobby and revolving her entire identity around this new one. Usually, her involvement involved less action and more spending lots of money. One month she got really into mountain climbing, and bought all of the most expensive equipment in a single day, but only took a couple rock climbing classes before getting bored of it. Another time she decided she would devote her
Agent Adeline’s eyes narrowed as the silhouette of an island came into view over the sea’s horizon, brushing her auburn hair from her face and studying the imposing mountain peak as her skiff approached it. As she did so, the brand new PDA on her wrist blinked to life. On its screen was a video feed of a geeky-looking brunette in a lab coat and glasses. “Adeline, you’ll be arriving at your target’s private island in T minus 5. It is a heavily fortified facility with countless guards,�
Lying in plain sight
By HangryDemon
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