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Tags: ?/F alternate version Anal Vore Belly Belly bulge Big Belly Big Breasts Bug-zapper Bulge bulging stomach cloaca cloaca vore cloacal vore Digestion Digestion Noises dilophosaur dilophosaurus Dilophosaurus Girl dilophosaurus pred Dinosaur dinosaur pred dinosaur predator Dinosaur/F dinosaur/human Drool explicit F/F Fatal fatal digestion Feet first feet first swallowing Feet first vore Feet-first-vore Feetfirst vore Female Female Pred Female Prey female victim Females Only Feral Feral Pred Feral Predator feral/F feral/human fetish Human Human Prey Implied Digestion implied fatal Implied Fatality jurassic park Jurassic World jurassicpark jurassicworld larger prey macro/macro Mature prey mature woman Milf milf prey MLP pred MLP prey MLP Style Mouth Muffled Screaming muffled yelling Nudity Onomatopoeia Oral Vore Post-Vore Predator Prey Saliva Same Size smaller female smaller pred Smaller Pred/Larger Prey Soft Vore squish squishy Stomach Story Story in description suffocating suffocating prey Suffocation Swallowed alive Swallowing Tail thick thighs tight Tight Belly tight bulge Tight bulges tight fit Tight stomach Unbirth Unwilling Unwilling Prey Willing Willing Pred Willing Predator Woman Prey writhing writing zara Zara Young
“For the love of god, someone help, it’s eating m…!”
Bug putting an end to Zara’s bleating calls for aid with a final easing clench. The engorged Dilophosaur letting out a pleased murmur, as she felt her pliable pucker abruptly lurched over the back of the whimpering woman’s head with an oozing ripple. The dinosaur’s dunghole remaining agape in a trembling yawn for a couple of seconds with a satisfied smoulder, before the tingling tailhole tenderly eased shut with a few gentle blinks. The scaly slate snarfer shuffling slightly as she allowed her core to contract with a string of chugging undulations, until she was fairly certain that her helping of hysterical human was fully tucked away within her now gargantuan gut.
Even now Bug could hear the muffled mewling of her meal, but it was as little concern, as both she and her lady lunch knew that no one was coming to save her. The secretary turned swelling still letting out stifled squeals as the dour Dilophosaurus capped off her consumption with a final rhythmic hip gyration, as the packed-away primate protested against the cramped conditions of what she assumed was the snug snare of some reptile’s shitbox. Zara unfamiliar with the claustrophobic bowels currently claggily clinging to her curves, as in her mind the ample assistant had slid through the tight threshold of an avian arsehole, leaving her entombed in the warm dampness of what felt like a skin-tight sleeve. The feeling of being introduced to the back end of the Dilophosaur’s digestive tract like being stuck in a sweltering sleeping bag, as unbeknownst to her, she was going to learn first-hand some of the unique quirks of dinosaur anatomy that only came with being consumed by a cloaca.
The nature of a single vent leading to a cloaca meaning the place her suppository snacks were going to spend the rest of their lives was always a surprise for her rearward meals. If she forced them upwards as they egressed, they would be smelted down into dino dung, but if she was directed downward, instead she would smoothly slide into the slick straits of the reptile’s egg maker. From the outside, the location her female food ended up was not easily discerned through the veil of Bug’s stretched scales, as to any onlookers the squirming swelling Zara made was just a fidgeting bulge sagging the grey glutton’s gut. Even the wolfed-down woman herself wouldn’t be sure if she as cosily curled-up in the Dilophosaur’s colon, or her equally accommodating egg gland, as in truth to the ingested all innards tended to look the same in the short time before they suffocated within the muggy interior of a creature higher up in the food chain.
Bug could feel the pleasurable pressure of Zara’s trembling body slither into the cramped chamber of her uterus, as the ravenous reptile already knew that she would be pushing out an egg when the time came for her damsel dinner to disembark. Unbirth nothing new to the proficient predator, and her womb would liquidate this fidgeting feminine load no differently than past partakings of filling flesh regardless of the quickly waning opinion of the metabolizable meat trapped within her. The only notable difference being when the time came to dispose of Zara’s more stubborn leavings, as instead of the greasy splat of a bolus of hair and clothes striking the ground, the sluiced secretary would be leaving encased as a neat package wrapped in eggshell instead of the normal gushing torrent of squirting femcum.
The woman’s existence ending as a football-sized bundle of indigestibles steaming in the leaf litter, as the Saurian’s system segregated Zara’s more nutritious base components leaving just the calorie-poor chaff to be shat out at the dino’s discretion. That would come in time though, as now Bug needed to find a place to bask and properly process the twitching personal assistant writhing within her womb. All it would take would be for Bug to briskly tense her tummy and the woman’s last breath would be a curt queef, but for now, the Dilophosaur was more than happy to let her ingested indulgence wriggle against her inevitable fate. The quaint quaking would help lull the lounging dinosaur into sleep, as she already knew the half-hearted kicks would pass in time, just like the red-headed businesswoman she had bolted down earlier…..
After previously devouring and digesting Claire, Bug sets her peckish sights on the manager's delectible personal assistant. This leaves Zara with the uneviable privilage of her whole body snuggly slot into the dilophasaur's other orifice...
My one-hundred-and-fifty-second sketch from Silent_E 's patreon. This one features Dilo Bug enjoying Zara Young as a simian suppository...
This image of a deviant dilo Bug was kindly coloured by my friend plaguetyranno .
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Posted by Apostolos 4 months ago Report
Wait a minute, theres a previous piece?
Posted by doomfister 4 months ago Report
Unoffically as Dilo Bug has already eaten Claire in the past, and will again when I get around lemoning the second thing on my to do list ;)