Y’shtola Ruhl, a plush, young yet
Miqo'te, was no stranger to facing off against the threat of primals - Gods wrought in mortal flesh. It felt like she’d taken on world-ending crises every other week, in her tenure as a Scion, and while the organization officially taken their hiatus, each member found themselves continuing their agenda of protection, once more under shroud and secrecy. It was something that was made infinitely harder b
Y'shtola's Tempering
By: Jocaste
Contains: painful digestion, reckless driving, a long argument & doggos!!!
Rows of trees and acres of fields fly by as your mothers car speeds down the winding and otherwise empty country road.
The music coming from your headphones does well to distract you from the repetitive & gaudy love songs on the radio that your mother quite passionately hu
Hitchhiking (Dog vore #9)
By: MediumGarlic7000
The Governor and the Mastiff
I’m a powerful man. A multimillionaire. A governor. One of the most prominent politicians in the most powerful country in the history of the world.
Millions of people know my name and my face. Millions live in my state, under my governorship. To
The Governor and the Mastiff
By: LoveHandles
If You Didn’t Want to be Dog Shit
Rex was a five-year-old Great Dane, a huge, majestic creature with a gorgeous brindled coat. He was especially large for his breed, making him resemble a small horse as much as anything. He was napping peacefully in his dog house one evening when he heard a whistle coming from nearby. At once, his h
If You Didn't Want to be Dog Shit
By: LoveHandles
Every month, Brittany was part of some new hobby or movement. She always bought in seemingly overnight, abandoning her previous hobby and revolving her entire identity around this new one. Usually, her involvement involved less action and more spending lots of money. One month she got really into mountain climbing, and bought all of the most expensive equipment in a single day, but only took a couple rock climbing classes before getting bored of it. Another time she decided she would devote her
Every Dog Has His Day (Dog/F)
By: MistysIsland