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It's been a bit since the last full Leavanny drawing, heh. Anyway, this one's a continuation of the other transformation/vore sketches from before, with the writing by hibbyjibby
"Cripes, h-how do you even fit this many Pokemon into yourselves without blowing up?!" exclaimed the astounded Leavanny with the heavy, swollen gut on her front end. 'She', who used to be a 'he', and a human 'he' at that, was having some difficulty adjusting to their new body and new lifestyle. All day, her former pet and yet stead-fast companion had been treating her, or rather shoving down various and varied matter that could be considered 'food' down her gullet, to a continuous buffet of Pokemon. And the consequences of such gluttony were clearly visible; the numerous Pokemon added to her green ass and breasts, forcing her to nearly waddle forward with each step, her jiggling mass doing just that each time. She swore that, if cup sizes were a thing for female-shaped Pokemon, she'd easily be in a category of her own size, not to mention how 'apple-bottom' would be inadequate to describe her rear. 'Pear-bottom' seemed more accurate.
Her own leavanny seemingly had no issue with walking, her hips swaying side to side, her feet effortlessly gliding across the grassy plains beneath their feet. "Oh don't worry, you'll get used to it! Besides, it's not like these morsels can be critical of 'yah!" her pet leavanny responded with, turning her attention to the newly transformed leavanny, kneeling down upon the grass and gently patting her hands upon the yellow mound of a stomach. The very obvious sounds and act of digestion could be heard taking place, sloshing and gurgling with each rub the pet leavanny made, indulging in the shameless glutton-made, bulbous belly she helped create. It definitely would take some time for the transformed leavanny to get used to being green-and-yellow, along with being a girl, when he was once a peachy-skinned human male.
The transformed Leavanny sighed, placing her 'hands' upon her own gut as well, the rubbing sensations mixed with the varied sounds of digesting and absorbing such, admittedly tasty Pokemon from earlier, was all too pleasing to her. "-sigh- I guess I'll have to. Not like there's a 'Pokerus' out there that infects you with humanity...". Perhaps not sensing the undisguised doom and gloom from the transformed Leavanny's words, the pet one responded happily with "That's the ticket! I'm sure you'll get used to this in no time! You make for a cuter Pokemon than you did a human anyway." The transformed Leavanny could do little to deny this, not saying no to a huge, heaving pair of tits and ass. And as embarrassing to admit it, it was a little arousing to swallow and feel Pokemon squirm in her stomach, knowing they'd only add to her mass in the end, the digestion process being the icing on the cake. "Y-yeah, I guess...If I can't change back, I might as well carry on with it, right?"
And with that comment being made, the pet Leavanny's expression became one devious grin, a beaming smile being the only thing plastered across her face, clearly content with the events of the past two days.
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Posted by ChaoskampfNunc 7 years ago Report
Heckin' huge leavanny
Posted by Deleted8gh198b51 7 years ago Report
Good job, once again!
Power of writing and art is inseparable.
Posted by piecheese10 7 years ago Report
I think the pet one is coming onto her former trainer~