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And here's a follow-up. Like the other time, the writing is by hibbyjibby
"Another day, another meal, right?" joked the pet Leavanny, the two female Pokemon taking a much needed rest on a short, protruding hillside. They'd spent the last few minutes quietly, or as quietly as noisy, gurgling and sloshing tummies digesting copious amounts of "food" could be, relaxing and joking about their current situation. The transformed Leavanny, who sat to the right of her compatriot, wore a more confident smile on her face, perhaps seemingly more at peace with things. "Hah, yeah. At this point I guess it's pretty accurate advice, huh Leavanny? Oh uh, friend?" she said, somewhat puzzled as to what to call her former pet. "Leavanny is fine, just like before!" she chirped back, giving a gentle pat onto her former, and perhaps current, owner's belly. "So, what about those last two pokemon, huh? I think he went to your chest, and she went riiiight to that booty! Whaddya think?" she asked, the pet Leavanny rubbing that same gut now, gazing quizzically into the other's eyes.
"I guess I can't deny it. It does feel good when they squirm, and I always as an ass-n-breasts kinda guy. You know, I think I just might get used to this.", responded the transformed Levanny, admiring her melon-shaped breasts and ass cheeks, hearing a particularly loud 'glorp' as she reclined back, gazing up at the evening sky, a mixture of soft yellows, deep oranges, and mixed reds as a gentle breeze blew across their nude, curvy bodies, sending a tingling chill across their supple skin. Her pet Leavanny hummed happily, reclining just like her owner "That's the right idea! So, feeling hungry again?". The transformed Leavanny thought for a moment, turning her head towards her pet, grinning. "Yeah, yeah I think I am."
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Posted by HisashiHinata 7 years ago Report
These series have been amazing!
Posted by delete35h0026tb26b9 7 years ago Report
It's amazing
Posted by Znonymous 7 years ago Report
Love ever thing about all of this.
Posted by Larkspurdiblock 7 years ago Report
I'd love to see more of these two lovely ladies sometime in the future!
Posted by piecheese10 7 years ago Report
*chanting and pounding fists on table* YURI! YURI! YURI! YURI!
Posted by klonoa723 7 years ago Report
I'd love to be between those two! <3