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Inside of Clover’s throat, Anna squirmed and giggled. She knew that Clover liked it when she brushed against the fleshy walls, making them bulge out with her voluptuous body. Sometimes, Clover would hold her there, massaging her with her esophagus when Anna had a hard day at work. Globs of saliva coated her tail, plastering it between her legs where a familiar warmth was spreading.
It was Anna’s happy place, packed tight beneath the scales of her girlfriend.
This was a commission for VoidRunner! Thank you for letting me revisit your characters.
If you would like to commission me, send me a PM! The flavor of the month this month is, duh, Halloween. If your story involves Halloween in any capacity, the commission will be 20%. We are also doing an October special on Patreon!
Want to support me in some other way? Put your favorite vore tag in the comments with the gender pairing you desire and I'll come up with a spoopy scenario involving it.
Posted by TheMysteriousSadSack 5 years ago Report
its bitter sweet seeing these characters again, only to watch them suffer some more. Will they ever get a happy ending, the world may never know.
On that note, H/F non-fatal
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Posted by Brazzel 5 years ago Report
Hermaphrodite vampire swallows virgins and leeches them of a bit of their life essence instead of draining blood. She thought she would a hard time doing this, considering the age of sexual awakening is pretty young, until she discovers a young coven of would-be ghost hunters that are elated to have found an actual supernatural entity. The girls take turns feeding the vampire in return for spooky stories.
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Posted by Bellyl0ver 5 years ago Report
F/F sentient fat
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Posted by Brazzel 5 years ago Report
Something isn't right about Martha Castborn. She's been holed up in her mansion for the past year, occasionally sending her manservant into town for supplies. When asked of her endeavors, the manservant merely replies that she is consumed by her studies and will not be making an appearance anytime soon. Around Halloween, women start to go missing. They are usually single professionals, all having graduated from a STEM field. One day, a friend goes to visit Martha and comes back shaken. She tells you that Martha has gained a massive amount of weight recently and that when they talked, Martha alluded to it having something to do with her experiments. After some detective work, you learn the startling truth: Martha has been eating and digesting these women, keeping them as sentient fat stored around her body to be used as human encyclopedias in the hopes of creating the ultimate scientist, capable of restoring the planet to a stable state.
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Posted by Bellyl0ver 5 years ago Report
You my friend, have a gift. Coming up with these unique scenarios practically on the spot is amazing.
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Posted by Brazzel 5 years ago Report
Well that just made my day! Thank you <3
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Posted by BlissfulDreamer 5 years ago Report
Something about this story hurts and yet is so appealing
F/f dominant prey
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Posted by Brazzel 5 years ago Report
Jolene Fletcher was brought back from the dead by her wife, Beatrice. Jolene spends the first month of her re-life being told that one of the conditions that Beatrice had to agree to to bring her back is that Jolene can only eat girls, whole and living. Beatrice feeds her women off of the street, keeping her a secret from the world. They think she's dead, right? Wrong. Turns out, Jolene Fletcher is still alive and well. After she and Beatrice divorced, Beatrice used her hair to create a clone of her. Jolene did indeed have the ability to swallow people whole, but she refused to do it. Now, the cloned Jolene, furious at having been lied to, turns on Beatrice. Something that Beatrice liked doing was feeding women to cloned Jolene and having sex with her. Cloned Jolene eats Beatrice, finds the original Jolene, and has sex with her while Beatrice digests.
...this one got convoluted, but I kind of like it.
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Posted by BlissfulDreamer 5 years ago Report
You’re so creative with these!
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Posted by ntgtoowc 6 months ago Report
Has it been 4 years since this was posted? Yes! Having said that, H/F belching fetish. :>
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