It's AM as I start writing this journal, likely past 5 AM once I finish it. I'm tired after today and don't know to what extent I can be fully coherent, politically and socially correct, or whatever else I'm supposed to about what happened. But after the events that took place today I need to speak up. I am sick, feeling I have had it... but for once it's on a matter I can discuss with others in this world, shared by millions of people. Even though I'm nervous to even talk about it as the divide keeps growing; I don't know on which of those websites even journals discussing politics will still be allowed by the administration, I already have a hard time keeping track of the different rules on each of the +8 websites I post anything on... as far as I'm aware we're still allowed to discuss... [ Continued ... ]
Everywhere I look I see people saying 2020 has been a horrible year, everyone's glad that it's finally over. This may come as a surprise or it might not, but in my end of 2020 journal I'm going to state the exact opposite: For me 2020 has been the best year in a long time! And I look forward to a 2021 that's going to be even better.
2020, for the first time in decades, allowed something to happen. Something that would finally rattle the wasp's nest, shaking the hellish and seemingly indestructible world humanity has been creating. Humanity brought upon itself the wrath of those it abused, in the form of the COVID-19 virus... which although not that different from other viruses coming and going each year, "popped up" at the right time and social circumstances to turn... [ Continued ... ]
As I'm not into human porn and evolution in this timeline cursed us with just humans reaching sapience, I never used websites like PornHub except rarely to watch some animations. Yesterday's incident was big enough for the news to reach all our ears however. It follows a trend that's been going on for years now and is definitely no surprise to me; If anything I'm surprised the owners and users of that website weren't rounded up and arrested or shot for "immorality" years ago... thank goodness it took them this long to go after them, and that in this case it was banks doing it rather than the "rule of law".
For anyone who didn't hear of what took place: PayPal and Mastercard kicked PornHub off their services after NY Times wrote an article claiming they... [ Continued ... ]
At long last, one source of tension is out of the way: The 2020 US presidential election. It was clear that one of two hideous figures was bound to win; Senile old fart Joe Biden, or Victorian age arrogant asshole Donald Trump. Just as it was clear months ago that I'd be both happy and disappointed whichever that would be.
Despite the fact that no one has actually won the election as of the writing of this post, Joe Biden was announced the winner today. Apparently this is because not the people counting votes decide who the next president is, but CNN does. World leaders across the planet already congratulated Joey too, also oblivious of the fact that the news doesn't decide who the next president is. Of course, considering that television already picked a winner and no one's... [ Continued ... ]
Today I just released my first fan mission for The Dark Mod. Very excited as I love this project a lot and have been playing various FM's for years! If you don't know what TDM is, please give it a try: This is one of the most AAA games in the open-source world and fun as heck to play.
The day The Joker came out almost feels like yesterday; I still remember theaters being secured by police as people were yelling the movie will cause mass shootings and spawn a murder spree. I'm sure that like me, most of you probably made the mistake of thinking that was the last time a movie was going to set society ablaze, and that nothing in the film world could stir more controversy and horrifying brainless reactions from the upright apes. Meet Cuties, the official trailer of which is (still) available on Youtube:
This right here is probably going to win the title of most controversial film in the history of humanity. Its existence has members of the far-right and not only rolling around in hysterical agony. Even the... [ Continued ... ]
Time to cross-post another big vent. Every day it's like the little good that was left in this world gets more and more corrupted by some form extremism, while communities I thought I knew find new ways to backstab me for making the mistake of believing in them. The good part is that there's less and less groups and people left to do so; There are only a few remaining, even those due to me not learning my lesson and still making a huge mistake: Trying to interact with other people present on this planet, forgetting they're alien life forms who's minds work fundamentally different from mine. Which I do because in my stupidity, I keep thinking I'll find something fun to do or talk about or discover, to break the boredom of this dead life where there's nothing new to do or discover or explore... [ Continued ... ]
TLDR; Word has it that if the Patreon moderators don't like what you say or post anywhere on the internet, including other websites which aren't even linked to your Patreon page, they will suspend your account on their platform then demand ownership of your creations and / or access to your accounts on other websites in order to reinstate it. Again it doesn't have to be in any way related to your Patreon activity: Despite there not even being anything about this in their actual... [ Continued ... ]
A few weeks ago when I wrote about refusing to wear a mask when entering the store, I was accused of not caring for other's safety and questioned why I don't trust the official narrative on COVID19 or want to spite and disobey the government for it. I figured I'd give everyone a glimpse of what's been happening here in Romania over the past week, and how the Coronavirus crisis is being hyped and used to essentially turn my country into North Korea; I realize that people in the US (or EU countries that were civilized over the issue) might find my feelings alien because they aren't getting the treatment we have been.
Ever since the never-ending "state of alert" has been imposed nation-wide, the government had one obsession unseen anywhere else in Europe or any country... [ Continued ... ]
I was originally going to write a PM and send it to a few friends who offered me harsh critique... since there's nothing I need to hide in this, I'll post it as a continuation to my previous journal. Will start off by saying this isn't an attempt to make an excuse for the wrong the majority believes I committed, only to better detail so everyone understands why I chose to act as I did. If you've read my previous journal please read this too! A short recap: I recently went into a convenience store without wearing one of those masks intended for surgeons, argued with security over it, posted about the whole thing since I thought it was exciting, then got a slew of critique for not taking those masks seriously and believing they somehow protect people from this somehow unique and deadly... [ Continued ... ]