A Sweet Fate
Sarah groaned deliberately audibly. Her volume had to be considerably high to compete with the whirring of the machines that surrounded her class. How was this childish "adventure" the best her highschool could do for the class of 2023? She might have been interested to see how jelly beans were made… ten years ago. She was eighteen now, with her whole life and countless potential careers ahead of h
A Sweet Fate
By: Badviper
Favorited: 1 year ago
Tales of a Family Raised Meatgirl
"Time to wake up dear~" Linda's tone was pleasant and melodious. Under any other circumstances, one might have assumed that her intent was that of a loving mother, trying to get her progeny to develop good sleeping habits and wake up to greet the day. The truth however, was that the forty-two year old blonde was eager to prepare her own daughter as the centerpiece of a feast that had been three months in th
Tales of a Family Raised Meatgirl
By: Badviper
Favorited: 1 year ago
The Annual Shady Oaks HA Meeting
Amanda sighed, looking over the wooded driveways of her verdant neighborhood through her deep blue eyes. The white picket fence of her mother’s meticulously preened yard was a canvas for shadow puppetry played by the massive tree that dominated the yard. It was so picturesque. So perfect… and so incredibly boring.
The eighteen year old girl pulled her bare legs up onto the porch step she sat on, letting her jean shorts be on full dis
The Annual Shady Oaks HA Meeting
By: Badviper
Favorited: 1 year ago
I can't believe I'm doing this, Olivia thought to herself. She checked the contract in her hands and compared it to the number in the mailbox. This had to be the house, she thought, looking at the normal looking white suburban house. A nice car in the parkway, big lawn, clean house, it was as average as the suburban houses came.Still she couldn't keep her heartbeat down. Olivia reached to the pocket of her uniform and took the small mirror included in her set. She wanted to make sure no small er
Thanksgiving Delivery
By: DarkSideOfTheSun
Favorited: 3 years ago
"No way she is with Rick. He is so childish!" Amelie argued back. "Like, he did fake fart noises one time in the class. Who wants to be with someone like that?" she asked, pushing her black hair from her eyes. Her long hair tended to trickle over them when she got serious."I'm just telling what Naomi told me! She insisted that she is with Rick. Maybe she is just afraid she will be chosen soon? Rick would be at least easy to get." Grace insisted."You trust her too easily. I'm sure she was trying
The Principal's office
By: DarkSideOfTheSun
Favorited: 3 years ago
Slumber Party Surprise
Moving to a new town is always a bit scary for a little kid, and understandably for a number of good reasons. Not knowing if you'll be able to make any new friends, or if you will ever see your old ones again. The worry of what your new neighbors are going to be like, or if they'll have very mean and annoying pets. If your school will be too big and hard to navigate, or if
Slumber Party Surprise
By: BloodPuma
Favorited: 3 years ago
The Many Lies of Anna Hayes
by Thecheese01
Part 1: The Trials of Davidson State University
Chapter 1:
"Now, this particular method will primarily be useful when you're dealing with derivatives that require..."
The droning voice of Anna's calculus professor gradually drifted from her focus as she idly played with a lock of dark brown hair, staring at a particularly interesting spot on the far wall of the lecture hall. There was some sort of stain. Coffee maybe? But six feet off the ground was pre
Anna, Chapter 1: Anna Hayes
By: thecheese01
Favorited: 3 years ago
PrologueDespite Miss Wright's best efforts, she couldn't stop staring at Livia Stratford. The student had been on her mind since the beginning of class, no for the whole week that she'd been substituting. That pale skin, her silky hair, and those dainty pink lips. The thoughts that crossed Miss Wright's mind were taboo but the yearning, the hunger couldn't be ignored any longer. She waited until the bell rang to make her move.“Livia, dear, could I see you for a moment?” Miss Wright f
Labors of a Black Dahlia - Prologue
By: Canace
Favorited: 3 years ago
The House Special
Lauren heaved a heavy sigh as she stared at the old fashioned digital clock that hung over the entryway of her workplace. Gary's Galactic Grill was by and large little more than an interstellar greasy spoon on an old mining station in the kuiper belt, but it was well liked by everything from silicon based rockmen to carbon based reptilians for adjusting its menu to fit all varieties of nutritional intake and diet. Today however, had been an absolutel
The House Special
By: Badviper
Favorited: 3 years ago
Ellie took a deep breath. The usually mundane and boring neighborhood street felt much more interesting than usually when she walked to school. Had that house's paint always been so bright red or had the owners just painted it? Had there always been a shed next to that other house? She felt like she could notice details that she had never seen before. Things that she usually just ignored while stressing about her homework answers or exams. But this walk was different. Was it because it could be
Dog Game
By: DarkSideOfTheSun
Favorited: 3 years ago
Hot for Teacher Fiona rested her chin in her hands, as her elbows sat on the table to either side of her textbook. Now and again, she would brush a tuft of her long, golden hair from the side, to behind her ears. The flat bangs that came to a stop just above her gently arched eyebrows were the boldest fashion decision the highschool senior had ever undertaken, and she had only really tried it solely to impress her tutor, miss Akako. The giantess oni was quite ambulatory when she was exp
Hot for Teacher
By: Badviper
Favorited: 3 years ago
One Last Walk
Equustra felt her stomach begin to tie itself in a knot as she felt the livestock truck pull up to a decadent, three winged mansion. She had trained all her life for this, but now that the moment had actually arrived, the thought of what was to come was another beast altogether to the unicorn. She'd carefully managed her diet of fat enriched grains to ensure she was well marbled, but what if the diners found that she lacked enough substance in
One Last Walk
By: Badviper
Favorited: 3 years ago
Cougar HuntingBy Canace Nighttime in the big city could be very dangerous for a young lady traveling by herself. It was a sad truth but there were still scoundrels even in these modern times. Opportunists who preyed on the unsuspecting. Monsters that only wanted to sate their greed and carnal hunger. Bianca understood that very well as she walked down a dark street. She was a drop dead gorgeous brunette dressed to the nines. Her hair was styled into thick twin-tails that curled inward
Cougar Hunting
By: Canace
Favorited: 3 years ago
"Also, buy some eggs. We are running low on them." Jennifer said to the phone as she walked around the kitchen. The sauce of the butter chicken she was making for the night bubbled calmly on the stove and the rice cooker hummed calmly. It was a Friday night and that alone deserved some celebration after a long work week. And for the past ten years, her butter chicken had been one of the favorite foods of the family. Even Emily, who often was a bit pickier with her foods, didn't think twice befor
The Swarming
By: DarkSideOfTheSun
Favorited: 3 years ago
Last Call
“Come oooooooon Haddie!” Xera groaned impatiently as she adjusted the purple shimmel shirt underneath her leather vest. A task made all the more difficult, and sensual, by the fishnet vest between the two. The drake loved playing the part of the bad, biker girl. Especially since she knew her immensely shy girlfriend hated to have any sort of attention levied on the two of them, and Xera’s cleavage revealing, daisy duke toting, spiked heels clicking look certainl
Last Call
By: Badviper
Favorited: 3 years ago