"You got another one?"
Sanni raised an eyebrow at her best friend, Lykas. A belch was her answer, followed by the muffled complaints and pleas for help from Lykas' stomach. The predator’s rotund middle protruding from under tank top that started fitting snug about two meals ago. Her arms, covered by a baggy green jacket. Brushing a golden lighting bolt shaped lock behind her ear, she shook her head cause the fluffy wolf ears on the top of he
Wolves and Casinos
By: TheN7Slayer
Favorited: 5 years ago
Bad bets&Bad debts: Commission.
“Our money Jake?”
“If you just give me a couple more days-”
Bad bets.
By: Winny
Favorited: 5 years ago
Vivid Lucidity
and slay this foul beast, my fellow hunters! Charge!" Gwendolyn
screamed as she held her sword and shield aloft and sprinted towards
the monster. Her tall, muscular and naked body glistened in the
swamp’s fleeting light as she charged, her long, fiery red hair
flapping in the wind. Mud squelched between her toes as she charged
it head on, but she didn't care, thinking only of slaying the foul
beast with complete ease.
her was her group of
Frog Feeding
By: VividLucidity
Favorited: 5 years ago
First Frog Feeding
Prequel to “Frog Feeding”
Vivid Lucidity
tits will never be as big as mine!” Alice jeered.
we’ll see about that, airhead!” yelled Elizabeth in reply.
and Elizabeth bickered as they walked side by side along the river’s
edge. The wide river snaked lazily, with the two girls side being a
nice, peaceful forest, while the other was a dark, foreboding swamp.
The kind of swamp monsters lived in. But the monsters never left
The First Frog Feeding
By: VividLucidity
Favorited: 5 years ago
Lake Monster
Vivid Lucidity
soft vore, frog man monster, somewhat same size, digestion, unwilling
prey, feral predator, disposal ending
was a dark and stormy night deep within the woods. There was a
peaceful campground by the edge of a dead and silent lake. Well,
almost peaceful that is. Cabins, tents, camps: they all laid silent.
Yet something
was out there, lurking in the woods. Unseen, unheard, stalking while
waiting for its next meal. Something that was hungry and would be
The Lake Monster
By: VividLucidity
Favorited: 5 years ago
Blue Ribbon: Commission
“This is pretty heavy.”
“Of course it’s heavy, its fully Dorothy.”
Blue Ribbon
By: Winny
Favorited: 5 years ago
The walk down the wooded path to her small cottage was uncomfortable, to say the least. It was a beautiful day that was just winding down into a lovely night. The birds were still chirping, a warm breeze blew between the swaying trees and fragrant flowers, and the golden sunset was slowly descending below the horizon. Truly, it was the perfect day. A fact which Soraka was completely unable to focus on.
Hungry for Release
By: Smoge16
Favorited: 5 years ago
“Dutiful minion, thy goddess’ stomach needs sating!”
Upon hearing those words, a variation of the same phrase that constantly assailed her ears, Kris groaned. As much as she didn’t want to, the girl put down the dishes she was currently washing and trudged annoyedly over into the living room, where the “goddess” demanding her attention ha
Shrine of the Voracious Vixen
By: Smoge16
Favorited: 5 years ago
Samus story:
“Don’t wander to far out Samus!”
Samus grinned hearing her Chozo foster parents behind her, nodding to herself Samus still slid out of the house, she had decided to sneak back out to the area she had been exploring days before. Telling everyone she wouldn’t wander to far to her Chozo parents, she understood that she had to stay relatively close to the settlement on this planet named Zebes. Opening the door to the home she had been living in, Samus took severa
Samus, the teenage years.
By: Winny
Favorited: 5 years ago