Vore Ball part 1
By PrinnyDood
Tracy Morgan had been born into an era of unprecedented change and prosperity on Earth. The Date was May, 2059, and a lot had changed in the past thirty years. Proof of extraterrestrial life. First contact with galaxy-spanning alien civilizations. Treaties, alliances and trade that caused an influx of technology that Tracy's parents had never dreamed of, but she had spent most of her life enjoying the benefits of. Illnesses cured, environmental damage reversed
Vore-Ball part 1
By: PrinnyDood
Favorited: 1 year ago
Ambassadors of the Flesh
Part one: Arriving Hot
Story by KavenBach August 2009
The ship eased its way through the channel carefully but swiftly. It was riding the incoming tide and using the supporting wind to direct itself safely between the sheer stone cliff faces to either side of it. In ages past it was said that countless vessels, unprepared for the surprising speed of the short journey, deviated from their path and destroyed their wide sails on the cliff sides, if not th
Ambassadors of the Flesh Part 1: Arriving Hot
By: KavenBach
Favorited: 2 years ago
School Lessons in the Culinary Arts
Part 1: Spit-Roasted Students
By Cromm Cruich
Gloria McKenzie had come to the conclusion that she'd made a terrible mistake.
"I don't remember this part in the course description," she whispered to her friend, sliding her phone over to show her. They were seated in the food prep classroom, waiting for the first Culinary Arts class of the semester to begin. It was a large room, fitted with many kitchen workstations, whose countertops doubled as table space fo
School Lessons 1 - Spit-Roasted Students
By: Cruich
Favorited: 3 years ago
“Come on, babe, you can do it…that’s it, keep fucking me like that, keep that big, thick cock inside of me…you’re going to fuck a baby into me, aren’t you?”
He grabbed by wrists, and pinned me to the bed, putting his entire weight on top of me. “I certainly am. Can you feel my cock throbbing with my sperm? It’s going to ruin you. I know you, Callie. You’re not a predator. You’re not even breeding material. You&rs
Fucked into Pregnant Prey
By: Bellybook
Favorited: 4 years ago
“Ruby when you're done being breakfast could you milk Haruyo's breasts? She is still half full of your remains and I don't have time to get all of you out.”
“Mom you can't ask Ruby to do that!” Amai yelled.
“It cannot be helped, I have to meet with clients today in Tokyo. They are nervous about the Trove updates to Reforming centers.” Fuka said shaking her head as she packed up her briefcase.
“I don't mind Amai! Mmnn Ahhh” Ruby said to her fiance
Gracias Nihon!
By: ryanshowseason3
Favorited: 5 years ago
Tangletown Cuckold
By TwrchTwryth
Tangletown, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Seven months before Harmony
"Ready for this?" Dave Dawson asked.
Monica Montserrat shivered and nodded. "Yeah, I think so."
"Cold?" Dave asked. They were walking up the sidewalk from where they had parked on the street, heading toward Dave's house.
"Dude, it's, like, negative three degrees outside!" Monica retorted. It was in fact exactly 0º Fahrenheit, but the windchill didn't help. It was Minnesot
Tangeltown Cuckold
By: TwrchTwryth
Favorited: 5 years ago
Stephanie had no idea why she was even on the streets. It was the vore festival, a both dreaded and celebrated time in which everyone was on the menu. It was possible to be at the top of said menu, sure, but Stephanie wasn’t a candidate for such a position. She was mousey as hell, with frayed brown hair, a mouth full of braces, and a figure so slim she was invisible when she turned sideways. While an often used and somewhat apt description, she was beginning to wonder if she actually WAS c
Climbing the Menu
By: Apex
Favorited: 6 years ago
By Ives Benton Eaton
You wish to explore the world? Why just one? A world lives in every tree in the forest.
—Chesirā, veldami of the Shāhūnā
The Shāhūnā village was hidden up in the canopy of the rainforest, a web of vines and woven branches and hanging bags for storage and platforms with braced and waxed leather rain flies to keep them dry. They used knotted ropes and hoists to reach their homes, both of which were pulled up when not in use to keep a foe from seeing the
By: IvesBentonEaton
Favorited: 6 years ago
Sereena's tail lashed to and fro behind her as she waited for her friend. A distant rumble made the mouse-girl glance up at the darkening, clouded sky again, running a hand through her short, brown hair with a frustrated huff. It looked like it might storm-and Mimin still wasn't here yet! And it would wait to rain until after she'd done all the day's work, wouldn't it? She leaned her back against the fence post on the edge of town, arms crossed-before perking her murine ears up as she spotted so
Be Mine (F/F)
By: Bitter
Favorited: 6 years ago
A Study of Dragons
By Ives Benton Eaton
Given that dragons may have been magically constructed in the distant past for the titanic wars whose histories are now but dim echoes, it only makes sense that they would be made as terrible as possible. Such creatures would naturally be made to regard humans as food, for how else could such huge beasts be kept fed in the field but on the bodies of foes?
—Felciti Faranal, loremaster, “A Study of Dragons”
It was the last dawn she’d
A Study of Dragons
By: IvesBentonEaton
Favorited: 6 years ago
Food Chained
By Ives Benton Eaton
(Author’s note: Ladahūnā, the language of elves in this world—called “Āen” by them—uses separate letters for long and short vowels. To aid pronunciation in Ladahūnā words translated to English, macrons have been placed above long vowels, so “Zōēā” is pronounced “ZOH-ee-yay”. The “th” digraph has a cedilla mark below the “t” if it is a “voiced th”, as in the word &ld
Food Chained
By: IvesBentonEaton
Favorited: 6 years ago
“Really? You're still fine in there?” Stacy asked.
“My clothes are practically non-existant but yeah nothing worse than a mild sunburn” A voice from Stacy's gut said.
“Wow, you really did it then. That's my entire route. You're very resilient Julie, wanna come out now?” Stacy asked as she put the bus in park and turned off the engine.
“I could stay in while you drive me home!” Julie suggested.
“My bus is one thing but my car does NOT have
Churn Charter Transport
By: ryanshowseason3
Favorited: 6 years ago
“I still don't understand why we're attending the wedding. I thought we were only catering it.” Luzu said, looking around self consciously.
“Well we still have to come up with the rest of the 'ingredients'. The bride and groom volunteered but we'll need a bit more. Our job is to watch the guests and gauge which ones look like they want to take that final plunge into a soup pot.” Lina explained.
“So that's why we're sitting in the back?” Luzu asked and Lina no
Chinese culmination
By: ryanshowseason3
Favorited: 6 years ago
Cindy stared at the doors to the school, heart pounding. People like her weren’t supposed to do this, weren’t supposed to want this, but she’d dreamed of it every night for years. When the first blush of puberty had washed over her, she’d gone wild masturbating as she’d imagined it over and over. She’d put it off, told herself that she would outgrow it, that it would go away if she just ignored it long enough.
But it hadn’t. The urges, the need had only
Cindy's Truth
By: immortalsane
Favorited: 6 years ago
"You're not
"Yes I'm.
Don't be a sourpuss." Sara, blonde woman in her early twenties,
just... why? Why did you enroll to Meatinder?" Alice, redhead
that had just turned 20 a week ago, insisted. She wanted to scream
some sense to her friends head, but it was a busy cafe and she didn't
want to look like a madwoman.
"You are on
sale on the site as girlmeat, doesn't that feel, you know,
distressing or something?" Alice lifted her hand
By: DarkSideOfTheSun
Favorited: 7 years ago
“Yes Ms Yang? Something you'd like to ask before we start class?”
“Any chance you could give us more direction on what the final will cover Professor Gina?” a young woman of Asian heritage asked with a nervous grin.
“I wouldn't want to spoil the test! Everything we cover is important! So I suggest you commit it all to memory!” Professor Gina said brightly to the darkening face of Lina Yang and the sighs of the other few dozen students as the professor starte
Chinese Cuisine
By: ryanshowseason3
Favorited: 7 years ago
“Are the payroll accounts done Jessica?” a man asked.
“No, our productivity is down because a certain member of our group is on sick leave and hasn't come back yet. Maybe you should ask software to prevent that from happening in the future!” Jessica said and folded her arms. She stared daggers across the meeting room table at a certain woman who rolled her eyes before responding.
“Oh I'll fix it alright, we can change that sick leave to termination! Just make sure
Employee Retention
By: ryanshowseason3
Favorited: 7 years ago
“Ladies you're all on in five! Get yourselves looking appetizing by then!”
“If they want us to look appetizing why are we even putting clothes on?” a woman grumbled.
Emma cracked a sarcastic smile. Emma recognized her as a reality star, one that spent most of her time on camera in less clothing than most people wore on the beach.
“Honestly sometimes I wonder as well, if that's the point why don't I just come out in a dress made of butter and let it melt down my b
Churning for Charity
By: ryanshowseason3
Favorited: 7 years ago
“First off does anyone know what an intimacy therapist is or does?”
No answer... Practically crickets chirping.
It was always crickets to the first question, it never failed. In this auditorium filled with teenagers, all with opinions about everything are completely speechless and knowledge-less on anything Juliana tried to ask about. Their eye contact wandered from hers and she felt a sigh coming on before a single hand timidly went up.
Thank god Juliana thought to herself and nodd
Casualties of Counseling
By: ryanshowseason3
Favorited: 7 years ago
It's been maybe two weeks since mine and Julia's mutual confession. The past half month has been thrilling, let me tell you that. Julia is even more touchy and clingy than usual, but I'm growing to like it. Maybe it helps that she stops when I ask her to. Not that I do that much. All she really has to do is touch me on the arm and I'm ready to go, never mind when she sneaks up on me and starts hugging me and kissing my neck. Am I gushing? I feel like I'm gushing.
But starting maybe three days ag
Pet's Life - Michelle 08
By: Apex
Favorited: 7 years ago
“Ok seriously, when
does this garden path end?”
“It ends when you get
to the tea house Carrie!”
“You know what I
mean Amber! Jennyyyy! My feet are going to start hurting and we
haven't seen those other guests for like an hour when the path folded
on itself!” Carrie said as she slumped and dragged her feet.
Jenny sighed.
“It won't be much
longer, but you're missing the point. This walk is supposed to be
peaceful, you're supposed to gather your intentions for the ceremony,
to put y
Japanese Tea Ceremony
By: ryanshowseason3
Favorited: 7 years ago
gasped as her eyes cracked open to see Chelsey's face. Her roomate's
concerned features were hazy from the morning sunlight peeking
through the blinds, but she was no illusion. The only phantasm was
Daisy's too-real-feeling dream.
was a split-second between Daisy's waking and utter embarrassment.
Her cheeks burned at the memory of being reduced to a meal – and
the slickness against her hand, tucked beneath the covers, told her
she'd enjoyed it. Fear seeped in with the embarrassment
Un-Fin Chapter 6
By: TessaYung
Favorited: 8 years ago
"YES!" cried Isolda, writhing in her lover's arms.
Both women were drenched in sweat, sliding their slick wet bodies
over one another in the darkness of the room, the bed creaking with
each pump and thrust of their hips and arms. Her pale skin pushed
against the soft tanned skin of her partner. Their figures compared
nicely, both slender but shapely with wide hips and nice plump
breasts, squeezed together as they ground into each other. Isolda
cried out at last, arching back
The Chain
By: Wierdost
Favorited: 8 years ago
Running of the Vores
Twrch_Twryth(@yahoo.com“No, you can’t fall asleep,”
Jackie Uhl insisted.“But I want to so bad,” Georgia
Lucchesi whined.“You should have slept on the plane,”
Jackie said.“I told you, I can’t sleep on
planes.”“Geez, Georgia, I don’t know how you can
possibly be tired,” Megan Swonger interjected. “I mean, holy
crap, look at it!”“Yeah, it is gorgeous,” Georgia
admitted. From Megan and Georgia’s hotel balcony, the
four friends had an
Running of the Vores
By: TwrchTwryth
Favorited: 8 years ago
“Ugh help me with
this door Melissa! It's heavier than you after a tinder binge!”
“Oh hun! Why'd yah
go tryin ta do all that by yer'self now?” Melissa said coming
quickly to Kathleen's rescue. She was trying valiantly to hold up the
solid wood bathroom door that she'd detached from it's hinge. It was
a rare thing for a dorm room to have a private bathroom but their
hall was formerly a hotel and had been renovated to house students in
recent years. It thus had the luxury of having
Vore Pong
By: ryanshowseason3
Favorited: 8 years ago