Chapter 1
It had been one year since Marunomi was locked away. A lot had happened in that time; not that she would know. She wasn’t even sure how long she’d been imprisoned. Time didn’t mean much when you were confined to a dank dark cell day-after-day. But that was her sentence: Life in prison. For the rest of her life (however long that might be) she would be stuck in that prison cell, never ex
Naruto - Marunomi's Revenge Ch. 1
By: Nobodyman
Favorited: 2 months ago
Chapter 1 – The
It had been a
while since Sakura had received a mission. Day-to-day training with
Tsunade and studying healing jutsu was fine and all, but Sakura was
really itching for an opportunity to stretch her legs and put her
jutsu to good use. For days she had begged Tsunade for a mission,
but, aside from some D-rank missions, which would have been a waste
of her talents, there just wasn’t anything coming through. Until,
finally, it seemed Sakura’s prayers had been answered.
The Hungry Ninja: Chapter 1
By: Nobodyman
Favorited: 2 months ago
Chapter 1
This is the land of
Terrania. It is a land marked by great mountains, valleys, oceans,
forests, monuments, and cities where the people live in relative
peace and prosperity. The land is protected by the five goddesses,
Chlora, Minerva, Thora, Ashera, and Tiama, who hold the five elements
of Earth, Fire, Thunder, Air, and Water in balance, keeping the world
in harmony.
However, there is a
darkness that exists within this world. A dark realm that, while
usually kept at bay, is in constan
The Five Goddesses: Chapter 01
By: Nobodyman
Favorited: 2 months ago
The Clown Witch’s Performance
Three young girls stood trapped inside a cage within a darkened room, all of them quite confused and terrified by their current predicament. One was a girl with large crescent-shaped pigtails, one was a shorthaired girl with whisker-like marks on her face, and one was a very small girl with horn-like hair ornaments. Non
The Clown Witch's Performance
By: Nobodyman
Favorited: 2 months ago
Amidst the wreckage of the battle that had just transpired, Haruko sat perched atop a large metal slab. Overall, it had been a considerable victory for her. Not only had she destroyed the Medical Mechanica robot, but she had also bested and devoured her other half, Julia Jinyu, who had been a thorn in her side for far too long. Unfortunately, the victory was ultimately bittersweet as Hidomi Hibajiri, perhaps the greatest factor in her plan, had just turne
Digesting Jinyu
By: Nobodyman
Favorited: 2 months ago