Mitsuki gasped and moaned, gripping Yusuke's bedsheets. Her face was bright red with pleasure, and she yelped. She felt very hot, and was sweating. She cried out as she came, feeling Yusuke's tongue sliding against the walls of her vagina. Yusuke gulped down her love juices and continued giving her lip service. Mitsuki yelled again as her lover's tongue tickled her clitoris and her face went several shades deeper as she came instantly.
It had been just Yusuke and Mitsuki for some time, n
Anyone You Can Do: Ch.W: Like Only a Mother
By: Elpie
Mitsuki hummed a tune to herself as she loaded groceries into the trunk of her car. As she straightened up, she pushed a few strands of her long, light brown hair out from in front of her Tuscan red eyes. In her peripheral vision, she saw a few men passing by who couldn't help but gawk at her sexy body, earning all of them glares and some of them slaps from their wives and girlfriends. Mitsuki couldn't really blame them; every time she bent over, her lusciously round hips and rear end were made
Anyone You Can Do...: Chapter L: Bouncing
By: Elpie
Reina looked at herself in the mirror. She held up a dress to herself, trying to imagine what her mother would look like in it. It was a little hard, considering that Mitsuki's proportions were different from her own, cup-size aside. After a while, she frowned and shook her head. Folding up the dress, she walked to the counter and handed the dress to the clerk, "Sorry, but I don't think this one will do."
"Very well, ma'am," the clerk said, taking it from her. Reina
Anyone You Can Do...: Chapter I: Fine Dining
By: Elpie
Mitsuki yawned as she turned the page of her book. The clock chimed eleven at night. She could hardly believe that she had been up for sixteen hours today, and had been having sex with Yusuke and Reina for twelve of those. Yusuke and Reina were still fucking just behind the couch she was sitting on as she read. The pleasurable screams and moans of love-making had become so common that they didn't disturb her at all; she read her book as peacefully as if she had been listening to Bach.
Anyone You Can Do...: Chapter M: Fun Bags
By: Elpie
Mitsuki turned the faucet off as the bathtub finished filling with water. She lowered herself down into the warm, bubbly water. She gave a happy sigh as the water warmed her, her JJ-cup breasts bobbing in the water a little bit. She dunked her head under the water, then resurfaced, a few strands of her tan-brown hair drooping over her face.
"Mmmm...this is nice..." she said contentedly. Of course, she immediately thought about what would make it even better: she Yusuke c
Anyone You Can Do...: Chapter U: The Fourth Trimester
By: Elpie
It was rather late in the afternoon when Mitsuki found it. She had been surfing the web for the past few hours while Reina and Yusuke were out. Today wasn't just another romantic date for Reina; she and Mitsuki had an ulterior motive.
Yusuke's birthday was coming up soon; in a couple of weeks, he would be nineteen. Mitsuki and Reina, after sex a few nights ago, had decided that they wanted to surprise him with something new. To that end, while Reina distracted Yusuke with a nice lunch ou
Anyone You Can Do...: Chapter B: Mother and Daughter
By: Elpie
A day had passed since Yusuke's most recent visit to the Toyohara home. He'd happened by Yoshio on his way back home last night. They only exchanged greetings, but Yusuke could tell that his friend felt more contempt for him than not. He had already been annoyed by Reina wanting to spend time with Yusuke rather than him, and seeing him with two big lipstick marks on his face--two *different* ones--only got him angrier. Yusuke couldn't help that Mitsuki and Reina *both* lusted after him. After he
Anyone You Can Do, I Can Do Better! : Chapter 5: Resolution
By: Elpie
Yusuke didn't even *think* about going back to the Toyohara home until the next day. The black-haired, hazel-eyed man had gone there to tutor Reina and ended up having sex with the two women who lived there, turning them into bitter enemies in the process. It was only a few days, but it seemed like so long ago. Not matter what he did, though, he kept envisioning Mitsuki and Reina, both of them naked, of course. Right now, he was contemplating what to do, but kept getting distracted by the though
Anyone You Can Do, I Can Do Better! : Chapter 4: The Contest
By: Elpie