Anyone You Can Do…I Can Do Better!: Ch. P: Periodic Mysterious Swaps (WIP)
Uploaded: 3 months ago
Owner: Elpie
Tags: Breasts Unbirth Pregnancy F/F F/M Consensual Sex Milf Story weird Masturbation Lesbian cunnilingus Rebirth birth hentai reina Incest fellatio Nudity Big Breasts ejaculation dildo Heterosexual hand job fondling Endosoma titty fuck yusuke mitsuki toyohara mizuhara multiple partners love triangle role reversal Breast Feeding tit fuck Body Swap
After discovering unbirth, Yusuke decides to have some fun with Reina and forces his way into her womb once again. He stays there for a long time, until suddenly something very strange happens: Mitsuki wakes up in bed with Reina one morning to find her daughter shocked, confused, and insisting that she’s actually Yusuke. Somehow, her and Yusuke’s minds switched bodies while his was inside hers! Talking Yusuke through the process of inducing labor, the two young lovers now have to deal with being...
[ Continued ... ]
Vstar66 - 3 months ago
I still love your stories by the way lol
Elpie - 3 months ago
i haven't really STOPPED writing it this whole time ;)
though there IS a fairly large span of time between all-new uploads since i've long alternated those with rewriting old ones for quality and reformatting. the one i did before this was a rewrite of "Chapter U" (it's retitled now--used to be [i]The Fourth Trimester[/i], now it's [i]How Mitsuki Got Her Bump Back[/i]
Vstar66 - 3 months ago
Wait this series is still going on where the hell have i been lol
Anyone You Can Do…I Can Do Better!: The Drunk Version
Uploaded: 11 months ago
Owner: Elpie
Tags: Breasts Food Non-Vore Sex Milf Lactation cunnilingus Macro/Micro hentai reina Shrinking Incest fellatio alcohol Nudity Drunk Big Breasts Heterosexual fondling Facesitting yusuke mitsuki toyohara mizuhara drunkenness titty-fuck shrunken prey Drunk prey drinking vore brief vore milf pred masturbating pred
The complete story of how Yusuke Mizuhara entered the lives of Mitsuki and Reina Toyohara and how all of them became lovers, rewritten after I got myself drunk.
April Fool's!
EDIT: In hindsight, I kind of have to look back on this with a bit of negativity--the whole joke here is that I wrote it while drunk, and then within the same year (as in a span of 365 days) I accidentally spilled my drink on my laptop while drunk and had to get professional repairs. Call that...
[ Continued ... ]
Elpie - 11 months ago
yeah, as the drinking glass emojis indicate, i had a few to start with for each session of the rewrite and basically kept drinking until i "couldn't" each time. though i think i [i]did[/i] start trying to intentionally flub some of it eventually, trying to type faster than i normally do
doomed - 11 months ago
it gradually gets more drunk lol
Uploaded: 1 year ago
Owner: Elpie
Tags: Unbirth F/M Female Pred Body Swap
A preview upload of the eventual Chapter P, a whole new chapter that hasn't been fully written yet and comprised of the first six thousand words of the text.
This item will only be here temporarily.
Anyone You Can Do...I Can Do Better!: The Extra Amorous Special Episode
Uploaded: 1 year ago
Owner: Elpie
Tags: Non-Vore pajamas reina Nudity Kissing loving threesome Big Breasts lingerie affection yusuke mitsuki toyohara mizuhara Bathrobe Bisexual lewdness Pre-marital Handholding
About half a year after they formed their loving threesome, Yusuke, Mitsuki, and Reina are finally prepared to take their relationship to new, lustful heights that they’ve never gone to before. They’re about to enjoy the single raunchiest, most extremely sexual day of their lives, ever, on infinite alternate worlds.
Anyone You Can Do…I Can Do Better!: Ch. D: Much Ado About a Thing
Uploaded: 2 years ago
Owner: Elpie
Tags: Breasts Pregnancy Breast Expansion Milk Non-Vore Consensual Sex Futanari Milf Bondage Lactation weird Masturbation Lesbian cunnilingus BDSM birth hentai reina Incest Oral Sex fellatio Nudity Big Breasts ejaculation Heterosexual hand job dickgirl fondling Facesitting titty fuck yusuke mitsuki toyohara mizuhara multiple partners love triangle Breast Feeding titty-fuck Hermaphrodite tit fuck
Yusuke and Mitsuki are shocked when Reina returns from out of town and says that she’s leaving them without explanation. They track her down to change her mind, or at least get answers. Reina didn’t want them to know, but they learn that she came back with something new.
This chapter has not been proofread. Please bear with me.
Anyone You Can Do…I Can Do Better! (all-in-one)
Uploaded: 3 years ago
Owner: Elpie
Tags: Breasts Food Non-Vore Sex Milf Bondage Lactation cunnilingus hentai reina Incest fellatio alcohol Drunk Big Breasts Heterosexual fondling Facesitting yusuke mitsuki toyohara mizuhara multiple partners frontal nudity ecchi drunkenness titty-fuck
The complete story of how Yusuke Mizuhara entered the lives of Mitsuki and Reina Toyohara and how all of them became lovers, presented in one continuous narrative.
Elpie - 3 years ago
one-hundred-and-seventy-ONE centimeters for Mitsuki ;) i admit that a fair bit of it was probably originally changed because i only half-remembered some details of the animated version when i wrote all this stuff at first and it's been slightly changed or expanded upon over time such that this is really it's own thing even ignoring the more fetishy stuff i wrote in for the chapters set after this.
but yeah, both Mitsuki and Reina are noticeably shorter than Yusuke in the original hentai, at least in the animated version that i directly based it on.
unfamiliarnostalgia1235 - 3 years ago
And just so everyone else here knows, Reina and Mitsuki are canonically 157 cm (precisely 156.8 cm) and 165 cm (precisely 164.5 cm) tall, respectively. That's about 5ft 2in and 5ft 5in each.
This was, however, changed to have Reina be 169 cm (~5ft 7in) and Mitsuki be 172 cm (~5ft 8in) tall here. (LowProfile can correct me if I'm wrong for this part)
Elpie - 3 years ago
a bit ;) that's been a thing for a while. iirc it partly had to do with deciding to give them (or Mitsuki, at least) actual measurements for their adjusted cup sizes in one of the rewrites and that's actually partly dependent on height. (i THINK i have Reina's full measurements written down somewhere, but haven't committed them to the actual text like i did Mitsuki's)
increasing Reina's bust size from F-cup to GG-cup and Mitsuki from H to JJ was entirely done on a whim when i first rewrote this part of the story from the original hentai, though.
i'm also not embarrassed to admit that i didn't actually know Mitsuki had a canon age in the source material when i decided that she was 40 here (for everyone else reading this comment, she's apparently supposed to have had Reina at 16 and is 34 in the original hentai).
of course, Reina's father was still alive in the hentai, too, and at least one translation of its summary said that she and Mitsuki were ROOMMATES instead of family :P Yusuke is also a much nicer person here ;)
unfamiliarnostalgia1235 - 3 years ago
It seems that you made Reina and Mitsuki taller and bustier in your fanfics than in the visual novel or anime. You even made Mitsuki older.
unfamiliarnostalgia1235 - 3 years ago
It seems you made Reina and Mitsuki taller and bustier in your fanfics than in the visual novel or anime. You even made Mitsuki older.
Anyone You Can Do…I Can Do Better!: Ch. C: Deep Throat
Uploaded: 3 years ago
Owner: Elpie
Tags: Oral Vore Breasts Stomach F/F Stuffing F/M M/F Swallowing Consensual Sex Cock Vore Milf Anal Vore weird vomit Non-consensual reina Oral Sex Nudity Big Breasts ejaculation hand job surprise Endosoma yusuke mitsuki toyohara mizuhara love triangle
Reina makes a curious discovery one day while making love to Yusuke which results in her somehow entering his cock. Things get complicated when Mitsuki returns and he decides to have sex with her while Reina is still inside him, sending Reina from one of her lovers to the other.
Anyone You Can Do…I Can Do Better!: Ch. T: Twice Upon a Reina
Uploaded: 3 years ago
Owner: Elpie
Tags: Breasts Unbirth Pregnancy F/F F/M Consensual Sex Domination Milf Bondage Lactation weird Masturbation Lesbian Rebirth vibrator BDSM birth hentai reina Incest Oral Sex Big Belly fellatio Nudity Big Breasts Age regression dildo f/multiple fondling Facesitting self-cest titty fuck yusuke mitsuki toyohara mizuhara multiple partners cunilingus love triangle role reversal Breast Feeding Recursive Vore tit fuck twincest Selfcest recursive pregnancy recursive unbirth
After discovering a new, intense way to make love, Reina becomes trapped inside Mitsuki, alone and catatonic inside her womb for nine months. When Mitsuki finally gives birth, they find that something very strange has happened as a second Reina follows her out: the threesome is now a foursome.
Elpie - 3 years ago
thanks! i can only hope that everything else i eventually get to writing gets praise like this.
ShadesofBlack - 3 years ago
Wow! That was a wild and long ride! I just... whew! I kept coming back to read more because I got very invested! I loved the ending, too!
Vstar66 - 3 years ago
This was well worth the wait
Anyone You Can Do...: Ch.Q: Two Mothers
Uploaded: 6 years ago
Owner: Elpie
Tags: Breasts Unbirth Pregnancy Breast Expansion F/M Consensual Sex Milf Lactation Masturbation Lesbian Rebirth birth hentai reina Incest Size difference Nudity Big Breasts Age regression dildo Heterosexual fondling yusuke mitsuki toyohara mizuhara multiple partners love triangle Breast Feeding
The Toyoharas decide to surprise Yusuke with something special for his birthday and use hormone supplements to make themselves start lactating. Little do they know, this gift of theirs will cause an all but permanent change in their mutual boyfriend, forcing them to make a tough decision…
F1reDem0n - 5 years ago
The one critique I can give for this story?
That ending had better not be a permanent cliff hanger. :3
With how you ended it I sure hope we get a part two with this one. With how well everything else was done, laid out and executed, sure hope we can expect a second part to this amazing piece of work.
Elpie - 5 years ago
why, thank you :) i admit that i sometimes stress over what i write here not being very good considering how much time, effort, and thought i put into all of it so it's nice to hear such a constructive comment :) i just hope the story, characters, and worlds of my other projects outside this one turn out as good
F1reDem0n - 5 years ago
I don't think this story gets enough credit with how believable and amazing it is. Each character comes across as a person that could exist in our own world and have their own believable personalities.
This is on the level of Notabot when it comes to characters, setting and story telling. Since he's up there as making some amzing content. You deserve props for this truly.
bartek21 - 6 years ago
great story !!!
Please more !!!!
He's inside?! by Kiki (colored and captioned)
Uploaded: 8 years ago
Owner: Elpie
Tags: Human Unbirth F/M Big Belly Male Prey Female Pred Endosoma listening listening to a belly
Reina's best friend Tamiko decides to visit on the spur of the moment, unaware of how much has changed for her old classmate. Reina can't lie to her childhood friend and confides in her that she's not really pregnant--her boyfriend Yusuke is stuck inside her.
A colored version of a request that Kiki made for me. I was going to do it digitally, but after several failed attempts I decided to do it by hand with Copic markers instead. The captioning is lifted directly from...
[ Continued ... ]
LemonBarb - 1 month ago
Regardless. I'm still glad this art piece was done. If nothing else for future pose ideas for commissions or trades and all.
And regardless of that. I can only wish Kiki comes back, with a healthier mind. Regardless of their (unknown) situation.
Elpie - 1 month ago
i've been considering trying to recolor it myself, probably in pencil instead of marker like i did here
unfortunately, Kiki seems to have up and disappeared :(
LemonBarb - 1 month ago
Looking at this now, in ~/~ 8 years on and so.
And I'm now tempted to imagine a future commission (or trade) with that pose in mind. :P
Elpie - 8 years ago
thank Kiki--i only colored it in ;) it DID give me some practice shading and making highlights, though, the latter of which is a bit tricky with Copics
Dan49 - 8 years ago
What a lucky boyfriend. Great work!
Anyone You Can Do...: Ch.W:Like Only a Mother
Uploaded: 8 years ago
Owner: Elpie
Tags: Breasts Food Unbirth Pregnancy F/F Breast Expansion F/M Milk Consensual Sex Domination Milf Bondage Lactation Masturbation vibrator BDSM birth hentai reina Incest Oral Sex fellatio Nudity F/fm Big Breasts Age regression dildo Heterosexual fondling surprise dominatrix Birthing Endosoma yusuke mitsuki toyohara mizuhara multiple partners cunilingus love triangle role reversal Breast Feeding
While Reina attends a seminar out of town, Mitsuki and Yusuke accidentally discover that Yusuke can enter and leave her womb with ease. After including Reina when she returns, they make it a regular thing until a freak accident turns their world upside-down.
DragonslayerFire55 - 8 years ago
:P :P
DragonslayerFire55 - 8 years ago
Well, just a question, i thought i would try to write something like this. But i don't think i could ever do anything like that. You're a lot better at this than me.
Elpie - 8 years ago
not totally sure how i feel about that, but truthfully i can't stop you if you do--first off, it's not like i know where you live so i can't beat you up with your keyboard if you do :P (not that i would even if i did--i'm not a violent man) and secondly, for all i've tried to make the characters my own, this is still ultimately a fanfic in the first place so i don't think i have much right to say you can't write something with Yusuke, Reina, and Mitsuki in it ;)
Elpie - 8 years ago
not totally sure how i feel about that, but truthfully i can't stop you if you do--first off, it's not like i know where you live so i can't beat you up with your keyboard if you do :P and secondly, for all i've tried to make the characters my own, this is still ultimately a fanfic in the first place so i don't think i have much right to say you can't write something with Yusuke, Reina, and Mitsuki in it ;)
DragonslayerFire55 - 8 years ago
Can't wait to read it... Would it be alright if i tried making my own fanfic of this story you wrote?
Uploaded: 8 years ago
Owner: Elpie
Tags: Human Unbirth F/M Big Belly Male Prey Female Pred Endosoma listening listening to a belly
Reina's best friend Tamiko decides to visit on the spur of the moment, unaware of how much has changed for her old classmate. Reina can't lie to her childhood friend and confides in her that she's not really pregnant--her boyfriend Yusuke is stuck inside her.
A request that Kiki made for me. Make sure to give Kiki some love for this, too!
Elpie - 1 year ago
here's a link right to it ;)
unfortunately, i haven't gotten around to reformatting that one like i have some of the others. maybe i'll do that one after what i'm currently working on, or maybe alongside it if writer's block gets too strong
Merry Christmas 2023 in any case :)
ifdre - 1 year ago
What story is it from?
Elpie - 8 years ago
i'd wanted to include that it's from Chapter C (Extra): Unexpected in the title, but there wasn't enough room (character limit :P) so i just used the original title Kiki gave to it plus a further credit to the original artist
yes, this is a direct scene from one of the stories ;)
AndrogynousDragon - 8 years ago
That's rather adorable. Is this a free standing picture, or does it coincide with one of the stories?
Anyone You Can Do…I Can Do Better!: Ch. U: How Mitsuki Got Her Bump Back
Uploaded: 8 years ago
Owner: Elpie
Tags: Breasts Unbirth Pregnancy F/F F/M Milk Consensual Sex Milf Lactation weird Masturbation Rebirth Non-consensual Blowjob birth hentai reina Incest Oral Sex Big Belly Nudity Big Breasts Age regression fondling travel Endosoma yusuke mitsuki toyohara mizuhara multiple partners love triangle Breast Feeding sex in belly unwilling to willing Unwilling to Willing prey unwilling to willing pred sex in womb
During a group bath, Yusuke and Reina are somehow sucked into Mitsuki’s womb and become trapped inside her! Though they’re eventually freed, they loved it so much that they do it again and start taking risks, and then one day their lives are changed forever…
Anyone You Can Do...: Ch.M: (WIP)
Uploaded: 8 years ago
Owner: Elpie
Tags: Soul Vore Breasts Stomach Unbirth Fat Pregnancy Swallowing Consensual BBW Sex Milf Lactation weird Masturbation Rebirth Non-consensual birth hentai reina Incest Nudity F/fm Big Breasts ejaculation fondling Facesitting titty fuck yusuke mitsuki toyohara mizuhara cunilingus love triangle Breast Feeding tit fuck
A freak accident results in Mitsuki accidentally swallowing and digesting Yusuke and Reina! What will become of their souls, now trapped inside Mitsuki's body?
(Author's Note: I want to genuinely apologize for this entry. In it's current form, it's not nearly up to snuff with the rewrites for other chapters so far but I simply could not come up with much to expand on the original story. This chapter is therefore presented as a work-in-progress and I plan to do another rewrite of...
[ Continued ... ]
Elpie - 8 years ago
thanks :) looking back on the old chapter, i'd felt it was waay too contrived and wanted to change that in the rewrite
Elpie - 8 years ago
thanks :) looking back on the old chapter, i'd felt it was waay too contrived and wanted to change that in the rewrite
Naganommer - 8 years ago
I really enjoyed this story. Especially the first part where you did a really good job justifying Mitsuki eating Yusuke and Reina.
Uploaded: 9 years ago
Owner: Elpie
Tags: Oral Vore Breasts Stomach Unbirth F/F F/M M/F Swallowing Consensual Sex Cock Vore Milf Anal Vore weird vomit Non-consensual hentai reina Nudity Big Breasts ejaculation surprise Endosoma yusuke mitsuki toyohara mizuhara love triangle
After discovering their new abilities, Reina wakes up after a long night of sex and lost inhibitions to find that Yusuke is inside her once again. But this time, something feels different, and Yusuke doesn’t come back out of her after eight hours like before…
Elpie - 9 years ago
workin' on it ;)
bartek21 - 9 years ago
please more
Anyone You Can Do...: Ch.L: Bouncing
Uploaded: 9 years ago
Owner: Elpie
Tags: Breasts Pregnancy F/F F/M Milk Non-Vore Consensual Sex Milf Bondage Lactation weird Masturbation cunnilingus vibrator hentai reina Shrinking Incest Oral Sex fellatio Size difference Nudity Insertion F/fm Big Breasts ejaculation Age regression blow job dildo hospital fondling titty fuck yusuke mitsuki toyohara mizuhara ecchi love triangle role reversal Breast Feeding tit fuck semen ingestion
Mitsuki is critically injured in a car crash and requires an organ transplant from Reina and a blood transfusion from Yusuke. While her life is saved, they soon learn that this has had an unexpected side-effect on her, which will change their family forever.
Elpie - 9 years ago
that's actually intentional--i'm in the process of rewriting every entry so far in this new format and with some additional details and revisions
deleefer - 9 years ago
I think this is a repost
Anyone You Can Do…I Can Do Better!: Ch. I: Fine Dining
Uploaded: 9 years ago
Owner: Elpie
Tags: Oral Vore Breasts Scat Food Soft Vore Stomach F/F F/M Milk Swallowing Consensual Sex Milf weird Growth Masturbation Koonago cunnilingus vomit hentai reina Bukkake unaware Shrinking Incest Oral Sex Full tour fellatio Size difference Nudity revenge Insertion F/fm Big Breasts ejaculation blow job near-vore tongue play fondling reverse vore surprise Endosoma titty fuck yusuke mitsuki toyohara mizuhara love triangle role reversal tiny woman Breast Feeding Danger tit fuck semen ingestion
Reina wakes up after a nap one day to find that she’s suddenly shrunken to tiny size. Making her way through the house to try and find help, she encounters enormous difficulties, not least when she’s accidentally swallowed by her own mother.
Elpie - 9 years ago
technically it's not since no one goes all the way into anyone's womb ;) but thanks. i actually DO have at least one more idea for (initially) unaware vore, but it'll be quite a while before it's ready for upload
AfraidPichu - 9 years ago
This story is kinky ;3 i love it and hope to see more unaware storys oh and ya forgot to tag unbirth
Yusuke opened the door to the Toyohara home—technically his home, too, since the two women had invited him in as a permanent houseguest—and walked in with a call of, “I’m back!” He hadn’t taken two steps when he saw Reina, leaning against a table and facing him in a sexy pose with a seductive look in her amber eyes; she wore only a bra and panties. It almost seemed like something out of a movie, his girlfriend waiting for him in hardly anything.
Anyone You Can Do...: Ch.C: Deep Throat
Uploaded: 9 years ago
Owner: Elpie
Tags: Oral Vore Breasts Stomach Unbirth F/F F/M M/F Swallowing Consensual Sex Cock Vore Milf Anal Vore weird vomit Non-consensual hentai reina Oral Sex Nudity Big Breasts ejaculation hand job surprise Endosoma yusuke mitsuki toyohara mizuhara love triangle
This is an old version of this chapter! If you liked this, please read the current version as well!
Reina makes a curious discovery one day while making love to Yusuke which results in her somehow entering his cock. Things get complicated when Mitsuki returns and he decides to have with her while Reina is still inside him, sending Reina from one of her lovers to the other.
(As of December 2021, this is no longer considered a...
[ Continued ... ]
Elpie - 3 years ago
if you mean "what order do the chapters go in", they kinda don't HAVE an order--after 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and Epilogue, they're basically supposed to be self-contained and go from there. think of them as alternate continuities that you can read in any order you want. ;)
Bradyradtke - 3 years ago
Hey. What’s the orde of comics
thelandcruzer - 9 years ago
DAM IT!!! I always have to just shoot my mouth off. oh well I just have to wait.
Elpie - 9 years ago
they're good for now ;) though i DO have a couple of ideas for later entries. those are a good way off, though
Elpie - 9 years ago
they're good for now ;) though i DO have a couple of ideas for later entries. those are a good way off, though
Anyone You Can Do...: Ch.B: Mother & Daughter
Uploaded: 10 years ago
Owner: Elpie
Tags: Breasts Unbirth Pregnancy F/F Milk Consensual Sex Milf Lactation weird Koonago birth hentai reina Shrinking Incest Size difference Nudity Insertion Big Breasts fondling Endosoma titty fuck yusuke mitsuki toyohara mizuhara multiple partners love triangle role reversal tiny woman Breast Feeding
The Toyoharas decide to surprise Yusuke with something special for his upcoming birthday, which calls for Mitsuki to enter Reina’s womb. However, once they succeed, a freak accident causes her to shrink and become trapped inside her daughter! What will happen to her now?
Elpie - 10 years ago
the only thing i recommend reading first are the "numbered" chapters in the Non-Vore folder, since that establishes the setting for everything else. after that, read at your leisure ;)
acrylic - 10 years ago
I want to start reading this series but there are whole bunch of episodes. Do you recommend reading this from the first episode or somewhere else?
Anyone You Can Do…I Can Do Better!: Epilogue: Afterglow
Uploaded: 10 years ago
Owner: Elpie
Tags: Non-Vore Sex Bondage reina Incest epilogue yusuke mitsuki toyohara mizuhara
After Yusuke’s apartment burns down, he moves in with the Toyoharas, and in the throes of love, a small, glowing meteorite crashes into the bedroom that will changes all of their lives forever.
(formerly titled Strange Things Happen...)
This is the final chapter in/epilogue to a fanfiction series based on a hentai that is variously known as Anyone You Can Do, I Can Do Better!, Boobalicious, or Milk Junkies. This story itself has no vore...
[ Continued ... ]
Anyone You Can Do…I Can Do Better!: Ch. 5: Climax
Uploaded: 10 years ago
Owner: Elpie
Tags: Breasts Non-Vore Sex Milf Lactation Lesbian hentai reina Incest fellatio alcohol Nudity Drunk Big Breasts fondling Facesitting yusuke mitsuki toyohara mizuhara multiple partners cunilingus drunkenness love triangle titty-fuck
After a week of indecision, Reina and Mitsuki decide that they can’t wait any longer and follow Yusuke to his apartment to force him to make a decision about which of them he loves more, only for all of them to come to the same conclusion.
(formerly titled Resolution)
This is the fifth chapter in a fanfiction series based on a hentai that is variously known as Anyone You Can Do, I Can Do Better!, Boobalicious, or Milk Junkies. This story...
[ Continued ... ]
Anyone You Can Do…I Can Do Better!: Ch. 4: The Battle of the Busts
Uploaded: 10 years ago
Owner: Elpie
Tags: Breasts Food Non-Vore Sex Milf Lactation hentai reina Incest fellatio Big Breasts Heterosexual fondling yusuke toyohara mizuhara multiple partners frontal nudity ecchi revealing clothes cunilingus titty-fuck
The feud between mother Mitsuki and daughter Reina over their lover Yusuke continues as both of them vie for his affections, each trying to win him over for herself with no end in sight—can there ever be a peaceful conclusion to their fight?
(formerly titled The Contest)
This is the fourth chapter in a fanfiction series based on a hentai that is variously known as Anyone You Can Do, I Can Do Better!, Boobalicious, or Milk Junkies. This...
[ Continued ... ]
Anyone You Can Do…I Can Do Better!: Ch. 3: Sleep Around and Find Out
Uploaded: 10 years ago
Owner: Elpie
Tags: Breasts Non-Vore Sex Milf hentai reina fellatio Nudity Big Breasts Heterosexual fondling yusuke mitsuki toyohara mizuhara multiple partners titty-fuck
When Mitsuki catches Yusuke and Reina in the act on the same day that he promised to be hers alone, she becomes furious and demands that he make a decision then and there: which of the Toyohara women does he like best, Mitsuki or Reina?
(formerly titled The Feud)
This is the third chapter in a fanfiction series based on a hentai that is variously known as Anyone You Can Do, I Can Do Better!, Boobalicious, or Milk Junkies. This story...
[ Continued ... ]
Anyone You Can Do…I Can Do Better!: Ch. 2: Challenger Approaching! A new femme has appeared!
Uploaded: 10 years ago
Owner: Elpie
Tags: Breasts Non-Vore Sex Milf hentai reina fellatio Big Breasts Heterosexual fondling yusuke mitsuki toyohara mizuhara multiple partners titty-fuck
When Yusuke arrives early for his second tutoring session with Reina, her mother Mitsuki gets him alone and seduces him, making Yusuke promise to only have sex with her, but Reina convinces him to change his mind on the same day. And when Mitsuki walks in on them…
(formerly titled Mitsuki)
This is the second chapter in a fanfiction series based on a hentai that is variously known as Anyone You Can Do, I Can Do Better!, Boobalicious, or Milk...
[ Continued ... ]
Anyone You Can Do…I Can Do Better!: Ch. 1: Reina-chan Wants to Study with me!
Uploaded: 10 years ago
Owner: Elpie
Tags: Breasts Non-Vore hentai reina Big Breasts Heterosexual fondling yusuke mitsuki toyohara mizuhara titty-fuck
Yusuke is sought out by a woman named Reina, who asks him to be her private tutor in order to bring up her failing grades, but he has no idea that Reina has an ulterior motive, and things get out of hand on the very first day of tutoring.
(formerly titled Reina)
This is the first chapter in a fanfiction series based on a hentai that is variously known as Anyone You Can Do, I Can Do Better!, Boobalicious, or Milk Junkies. This story itself...
[ Continued ... ]
Mitsuki gasped and moaned, gripping Yusuke's bedsheets. Her face was bright red with pleasure, and she yelped. She felt very hot, and was sweating. She cried out as she came, feeling Yusuke's tongue sliding against the walls of her vagina. Yusuke gulped down her love juices and continued giving her lip service. Mitsuki yelled again as her lover's tongue tickled her clitoris and her face went several shades deeper as she came instantly.
It had been just Yusuke and Mitsuki for some time, n
Anyone You Can Do: Ch.W: Like Only a Mother
Uploaded: 10 years ago
Owner: Elpie
Tags: Breasts Food Unbirth Pregnancy F/F Breast Expansion F/M Milk Consensual Sex Domination Milf Bondage Lactation vibrator BDSM birth hentai reina Incest Oral Sex fellatio Nudity F/fm Big Breasts Age regression dildo Heterosexual fondling surprise dominatrix Birthing Endosoma yusuke mitsuki toyohara mizuhara multiple partners cunilingus love triangle role reversal Breast Feeding
This is an old version of this chapter! If you liked this, please read the reformatted version as well!
While Reina attends a seminar out of town, Mitsuki and Yusuke accidentally discover that Mitsuki’s womb and birth canal have become very flexible. After including Reina when she returns, a freak accident leads to something that turns their world upside-down.
# 20 cm = about 8 in
# 25 cm = about 10 in
# 9 cm = about...
[ Continued ... ]
Elpie - 9 years ago
why, thank you :)
Groblek - 9 years ago
Nice! I managed to miss this part when you posted it.
Elpie - 10 years ago
maybe, i dunno :P i'll probably fix that with the eventual rewrite
Elpie - 10 years ago
maybe, i dunno :P i'll probably fix that with the eventual rewrite
RachelBabe - 10 years ago
Just finished it completely... Thank you for letting Mitsuki keep her memories
Anyone You Can Do…I Can Do Better!
is a fanfiction of the
hentai visual novel of the same name, which is also titled
Milk Junkies
Anyone You Can Do... Trope List
Uploaded: 10 years ago
Owner: Elpie
Tags: Non-Vore reina information yusuke mitsuki toyohara mizuhara
As a small exercise on my part, I decided to make a trope list for my long-running fanfic of "Anyone You Can Do, I Can Do Better!"
Because I keep my two online personas separate from one another, I am reluctant to make an actual page for this on TV Tropes and instead have formatted a text document to try and replicate the look and feel of a TV Tropes page as best as I could. This is also a bit of an experiment on my part, my first actual upload of a Microsoft Word...
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Elpie - 10 years ago
hence my reluctance to make an actual TV Tropes page ;)
Marq - 10 years ago
You're probably better off not making a page for this on TV Tropes; it would be taken down sooner than you can say "Milk Junkies" the moment anyone brings it to the P5's attention.
Mitsuki hummed a tune to herself as she loaded groceries into the trunk of her car. As she straightened up, she pushed a few strands of her long, light brown hair out from in front of her Tuscan red eyes. In her peripheral vision, she saw a few men passing by who couldn't help but gawk at her sexy body, earning all of them glares and some of them slaps from their wives and girlfriends. Mitsuki couldn't really blame them; every time she bent over, her lusciously round hips and rear end were made
Anyone You Can Do...: Chapter L: Bouncing
Uploaded: 11 years ago
Owner: Elpie
Tags: Breasts Pregnancy F/F F/M Milk Non-Vore Consensual Sex Milf Bondage weird Masturbation cunnilingus vibrator hentai reina Shrinking Incest fellatio Size difference Nudity Insertion F/fm Big Breasts ejaculation Age regression blow job dildo hospital fondling titty fuck yusuke mitsuki toyohara mizuhara ecchi love triangle role reversal Breast Feeding tit fuck semen ingestion
This is an old version of this chapter! If you liked this, please read the reformatted version as well!
Mitsuki gets into a car accident, but is saved by generous donations from Reina and Yusuke. Once she gets back home, though, she starts to change...
# about 10 inches
# a type of short-stay hotel catering to couples who want privacy for sex, originating in Japan but now present in numerous countries
# the central...
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Nibor - 11 years ago
I believed you, I was just teasing. :P
Elpie - 11 years ago
no, seriously. and besides, its strawberry BLOND, not strawberry as in pink :P
Nibor - 11 years ago
liar, lol
Elpie - 11 years ago
the pink hair is actually coincidental ;)
Nibor - 11 years ago
Never read Nabokov... but I can understand it now, especially because of the pink hair.
Chapter I: Fine Dining - Not Too Private
Uploaded: 12 years ago
Owner: Elpie
Tags: Oral Vore Breasts Soft Vore Stomach F/F F/M Swallowing Sex Milf tiny Koonago Shrunken hentai reina shrink Shrinking Incest Size difference Nudity revenge Female Prey Internal View Male Prey Female Pred Big Breasts Stomach View shrunk f/multiple Shrunken man Swallowed alive yusuke mitsuki toyohara mizuhara love triangle tiny woman Shrunken woman Multiple Preys
This is a scene from Chapter I of my "Anyone You Can Do...I Can Do Better!" fanfic. In this chapter, Reina shrinks to the size of a coin and undergoes a lot of stress, being so small compared to her lovers Mitsuki and Yusuke. Eventually, Yusuke and Mitsuki shrink as well and, to get revenge on them for what they did when she was the smaller one, she swallows them whole and alive. A few weeks later, she returns to normal size while her lovers are still inside her and can only hear them...
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Elpie - 12 years ago
more turned on than flustered: she thinks its hot, hearing Yusuke and her mother have sex inside her ;)
quizmaster - 12 years ago
Nice. :)
She looks positively flustered.
Elpie - 12 years ago
it's possible ;) this is just one that i really wanted to draw
Reptile - 12 years ago
Nice to see you posting again, and you are great with lineart. Any chance you will do illustrations for your other works as well?
Reina looked at herself in the mirror. She held up a dress to herself, trying to imagine what her mother would look like in it. It was a little hard, considering that Mitsuki's proportions were different from her own, cup-size aside. After a while, she frowned and shook her head. Folding up the dress, she walked to the counter and handed the dress to the clerk, "Sorry, but I don't think this one will do."
"Very well, ma'am," the clerk said, taking it from her. Reina
Anyone You Can Do...: Chapter I: Fine Dining
Uploaded: 12 years ago
Owner: Elpie
Tags: Oral Vore Breasts Scat Food Soft Vore Stomach F/F F/M Milk Swallowing Consensual Sex Milf weird Growth Non-fatal Masturbation Belching Koonago cunnilingus vomit hentai reina Bukkake unaware Shrinking Incest Full tour fellatio Size difference Nudity revenge Insertion F/fm Big Breasts ejaculation blow job near-vore tongue play fondling reverse vore surprise Endosoma titty fuck yusuke mitsuki toyohara mizuhara love triangle role reversal tiny woman Breast Feeding Danger tit fuck semen ingestion age-play
This is an old version of this chapter! If you liked this, please read the reformatted version as well!
Reina wakes up one day to find that she has shrunken to the size of a ¥1 coin! Everything becomes much more difficult when Mitsuki accidentally swallows her!
# 25 cm = about 10 in
# yōshokuya = literally "Western cuisine restaurant;" a restaurant in Japan that serves food imported from the Western Hemisphere ...
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LillyBells - 12 years ago
Oh lol, ish weird c:
Elpie - 12 years ago
if i were using roman numerals, then this one should be Chapter XI, not Chapter I :P after the first five chapters and epilogue, this uses alphabetical ordering, not numerical
LillyBells - 12 years ago
The letter I is the roman symbol for number 1.
Nibor - 12 years ago
Elpie - 12 years ago
this one i honestly can't remember XP it meant something a long time ago, but i don't know WHAT anymore XD
Mitsuki yawned as she turned the page of her book. The clock chimed eleven at night. She could hardly believe that she had been up for sixteen hours today, and had been having sex with Yusuke and Reina for twelve of those. Yusuke and Reina were still fucking just behind the couch she was sitting on as she read. The pleasurable screams and moans of love-making had become so common that they didn't disturb her at all; she read her book as peacefully as if she had been listening to Bach.
Anyone You Can Do...: Chapter M: Fun Bags
Uploaded: 13 years ago
Owner: Elpie
Tags: Soul Vore Breasts Stomach Unbirth Fat Pregnancy Swallowing Consensual BBW Sex Milf Lactation Story weird piss Rebirth Non-consensual birth hentai reina Incest Nudity F/fm Big Breasts ejaculation fondling Facesitting surprise titty fuck yusuke mitsuki toyohara mizuhara cunilingus love triangle Breast Feeding tit fuck
This is an old version of this chapter! If you liked this, please read the reformatted version as well!
A freak accident results in Mitsuki accidentally swallowing and digesting Yusuke and Reina! What will become of their souls, now trapped inside Mitsuki's body?
Nibor - 13 years ago
Well, I was close... -_-
Elpie - 13 years ago
actually, B is supposed to be for "baby"; i forget exactly what i had decided for C but its probably that (the original title was "Double Blown")
Nibor - 13 years ago
And chapter C for Cock vore.
Nibor - 13 years ago
ah, I knew what the others meant,(such as ch. U for Unbirth, and ch. B for Birth) but I didn't really know this one. thank you for clearing it up.
Elpie - 13 years ago
all of the alphabetical coding is for a word vaguely related to at least the initial idea of the chapter. in this case, its for "milk"
Yusuke sighed as he walked into the Toyohara home once again. This time, he knew his stay was going to be a bit longer than before. A good number of his things were lying out in the driveway; he, Mitsuki, and Reina had just unloaded them from the elder woman's Subaru. However, he knew for certain that he'd never see a good number of his things again.
All in all, things had been good. It had only been about a week since the first time Mitsuki and Reina had sex and they formed their love t
Anyone You Can Do, I Can Do Better! : Epilogue: Strange Things Happen...
Uploaded: 14 years ago
Owner: Elpie
Tags: Bondage reina epilogue yusuke mitsuki toyohara mizuhara
This is an old version of this chapter! If you liked this, please read the reformatted version as well!
In the throes of love, a small, glowing meteorite crashes into the bedroom that will change the lives of Yusuke, Mitsuki, and Reina forever.
This is the "threshold" between the official chapters and the non-canonical chapters; each non-canon chapter has a point of divergence from each other that the space rock either...
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GilPix - 10 years ago
Well I gotta say that was quite the fun and interesting ground work you put up there for your characters. Now I am interested where did you take them from here.
Character Profile: Yusuke Mizuhara
Uploaded: 14 years ago
Owner: Elpie
Tags: Non-Vore Sex Biography hentai information yusuke mizuhara
A biography about Yusuke Mizuhara, the only male member of the love triangle featured in "Anyone You Can Do, I Can Do Better!" as well as the reason for the triangle's existence.
Elpie - 14 years ago
ive kinda hit writer's block and have been working on other projects
Gitab - 14 years ago
Speaking of the next chapters, I was wondering when one would expect the next to appear.
Elpie - 14 years ago
eh *shrugs* :P
Marq - 14 years ago
Ahhhh... Still, I notice that there's a continuity gap between the last "canon" chapter and the "first" non-canonical one. You know, the mysterious rock appears out of nowhere in the epilogue while they're asleep, and suddenly the next chapter has them completely nonchalant about the inhuman body distortion that occurs during their bizarre sex acts.
Elpie - 14 years ago
thats coding for the chapters :P ive been working on alot of chapters for the story in the meantime but havent gotten speed for alot of them. since most of the chapters are "non-canonical" (that meaning they are related to each other but separate), i use letters instead of numbers past the official epilogue. and yes, there's 26 non-canonical chapters
Character Profile: Mitsuki Toyohara
Uploaded: 14 years ago
Owner: Elpie
Tags: Breasts Non-Vore Sex Biography hentai Big Breasts information titty fuck mitsuki toyohara
A biography about Mitsuki Toyohara, the eldest female member of the love triangle featured in "Anyone You Can Do, I Can Do Better!"
Elpie - 14 years ago
thanks :) i basically tried to make them my own
CGR-7 - 14 years ago
Good job on these bios L.P., I'm have heard of this hentai but have only seen a few minutes of it. I am, however, familiar with these two characters, so nice interpretation of them.
Character Profile: Reina Toyohara
Uploaded: 14 years ago
Owner: Elpie
Tags: Breasts Non-Vore Sex Biography hentai reina Big Breasts information titty fuck toyohara
My first attempt at a character bio for any of my pornographic characters. This one is about Reina Toyohara, the youngest female member of the love triangle featured in "Anyone You Can Do, I Can Do Better!"
Mitsuki turned the faucet off as the bathtub finished filling with water. She lowered herself down into the warm, bubbly water. She gave a happy sigh as the water warmed her, her JJ-cup breasts bobbing in the water a little bit. She dunked her head under the water, then resurfaced, a few strands of her tan-brown hair drooping over her face.
"Mmmm...this is nice..." she said contentedly. Of course, she immediately thought about what would make it even better: she Yusuke c
Anyone You Can Do...: Chapter U: The Fourth Trimester
Uploaded: 14 years ago
Owner: Elpie
Tags: Breasts Unbirth Pregnancy F/F F/M Milk Consensual Sex Milf Lactation Story weird Masturbation Rebirth Non-consensual Blowjob birth hentai reina Incest Big Belly Nudity Big Breasts Age regression fondling travel Endosoma yusuke mitsuki toyohara mizuhara multiple partners love triangle Breast Feeding
This is an old version of this chapter! If you liked this, please read the reformatted version as well! (Keep in mind that the reformatted chapter is now titled How Mitsuki Got Her Bump Back.)
During a group bath, Yusuke and Reina are sucked into Mitsuki’s womb and become trapped! Though they eventually escape, they start taking risks and become trapped for good.
#body temperature is 37° Celsius (98.6° Farenheit); room...
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GilPix - 10 years ago
Wow, what a series you made here. Really enjoyed the antics of your characters and how they found their resolves.
xsilverwarrior7 - 12 years ago
(Gives a thumbs up) Nice story.
dragonfred - 13 years ago
loved it!
Groblek - 14 years ago
You're welcome - I'm still startled when people refer to me as a legend and the like, but I suppose I have been doing this for a while now. I quite liked your other unbirthing chapter on this one too. You do the character interactions well.
Elpie - 14 years ago
thank you :) that means alot coming from a veritable legend like you
Yusuke opened the door to the Toyohara home and walked inside with a call of, "I'm home!" He hadn't taken two steps when he saw Reina standing there waiting for him, wearing only panties and, to his surprise, a bra
"Hi, Yusuke," she said in a lusty voice.
"Ooh, Reina, what's the occasion?" Yusuke asked, unzipping his pants. Usually, one of them had to ask the other if they wanted to fuck instead of waiting for them.
Reina walked up to him,
Anyone You Can Do...: Chapter C: Deep Throat
Uploaded: 14 years ago
Owner: Elpie
Tags: Oral Vore Breasts Scat Stomach F/F M/F Swallowing Consensual Sex Cock Vore Milf Anal Vore weird Masturbation vomit vibrator Non-consensual birth hentai reina Nudity Big Breasts ejaculation blow job dildo hand job surprise Endosoma yusuke mitsuki toyohara mizuhara love triangle
This is an old version of this chapter! If you liked this, please read the reformatted version as well!
Reina enters Yusuke’s penis and he has anal sex with Mitsuki, which results in Reina being ejaculated into Mitsuki’s intestines.
#pyloric sphincter: the opening in the stomach that leads to the intestines
#uvula: a projection in the mouth that assists in speech and affects the gag reflex; that little dangly thing in the...
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Elpie - 13 years ago
check out "fourth trimester" if you want to see the latter ;)
and yeah, CV is my least favorite type of vore, but i think it came out well here, too. this is also probably the only time ill have it anywhere in the fanfic
Gitab - 13 years ago
While CV is one of my least favorite types of vore, the way you wrote it is amazing. I'd love to see more of it sometime, perhaps returning Reina from where she originally came.
It was rather late in the afternoon when Mitsuki found it. She had been surfing the web for the past few hours while Reina and Yusuke were out. Today wasn't just another romantic date for Reina; she and Mitsuki had an ulterior motive.
Yusuke's birthday was coming up soon; in a couple of weeks, he would be nineteen. Mitsuki and Reina, after sex a few nights ago, had decided that they wanted to surprise him with something new. To that end, while Reina distracted Yusuke with a nice lunch ou
Anyone You Can Do...: Chapter B: Mother and Daughter
Uploaded: 14 years ago
Owner: Elpie
Tags: Breasts Unbirth Pregnancy F/F Milk Consensual Sex Milf Lactation Story weird Koonago birth hentai reina Shrinking Incest Size difference Nudity Big Breasts Age regression fondling Facesitting Endosoma titty fuck yusuke mitsuki toyohara mizuhara multiple partners love triangle role reversal tiny woman Breast Feeding
This is an old version of this chapter! If you liked this, please read the reformatted version as well!
The Toyoharas decide to surprise Yusuke with something special for his birthday, which calls for Mitsuki to enter Reina’s womb, only for her to shrink and become trapped!
#jan-ken-pon: Japanese term for rock-paper-scissors
#181 kg=about 400 pounds
#76 cm=about two and a half feet
#1-1-0: emergency number used...
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Elpie - 13 years ago
why thank you :)
LillyBells - 13 years ago
I say you did a great job on this i was so caught up in reading i didn't realize my phone ringing my mind was glued to the story i wouls gladly give you a 100/100 for this it's amazing please do make some more ^^
A day had passed since Yusuke's most recent visit to the Toyohara home. He'd happened by Yoshio on his way back home last night. They only exchanged greetings, but Yusuke could tell that his friend felt more contempt for him than not. He had already been annoyed by Reina wanting to spend time with Yusuke rather than him, and seeing him with two big lipstick marks on his face--two *different* ones--only got him angrier. Yusuke couldn't help that Mitsuki and Reina *both* lusted after him. After he
Anyone You Can Do, I Can Do Better! : Chapter 5: Resolution
Uploaded: 14 years ago
Owner: Elpie
Tags: Breasts F/F Consensual Sex Milf Lactation weird Lesbian hentai reina Incest fellatio alcohol Nudity Big Breasts fondling Facesitting titty fuck yusuke mitsuki toyohara mizuhara multiple partners cunilingus drunkenness love triangle radiation
This is an old version of this chapter! If you liked this, please read the reformatted version as well!
After three days of indecision, Mitsuki and Reina track down Yusuke and force him to make a decision about which of the Toyohara women he prefers, only to come to the same conclusion.
#sake: a rice-based alcoholic beverage of Japanese origin, though the word also refers to alcoholic drinks in general; pronounced saki
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Yusuke didn't even *think* about going back to the Toyohara home until the next day. The black-haired, hazel-eyed man had gone there to tutor Reina and ended up having sex with the two women who lived there, turning them into bitter enemies in the process. It was only a few days, but it seemed like so long ago. Not matter what he did, though, he kept envisioning Mitsuki and Reina, both of them naked, of course. Right now, he was contemplating what to do, but kept getting distracted by the though
Anyone You Can Do, I Can Do Better! : Chapter 4: The Contest
Uploaded: 14 years ago
Owner: Elpie
Tags: Breasts Food Consensual Sex Milf Lactation hentai reina Incest fellatio Big Breasts Heterosexual foodplay fondling titty fuck yusuke mitsuki toyohara mizuhara multiple partners frontal nudity ecchi revealing clothes cunilingus
This is an old version of this chapter! If you liked this, please read the reformatted version as well!
The mother-daughter feud continues as both Mitsuki and Reina vie for Yusuke’s affection, trying to win him over for themselves.
#futon: traditional Japanese bedding consisting of padded mattresses and quilts that can easily be folded up for storage
#mentaiko: spicy fish eggs
#sake: a rice-based alcoholic beverage of...
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Mitsuki glared at Reina with utter contempt, and her daughter stubbornly stared right back even as she fastened her bed sheet around her like a towel. Yusuke had fallen to the floor now, a bit of his black hair blocking the line of sight from his greenish hazel eyes, and was beginning to stand up. He could practically *feel* the newfound hatred that Mitsuki and Reina had for each other as he looked back and forth from one to the other. It was almost as if the air could ignite at any second.
Anyone You Can Do, I Can Do Better! : Chapter 3: The Feud
Uploaded: 14 years ago
Owner: Elpie
Tags: Breasts Consensual Sex Milf hentai reina fellatio Nudity Big Breasts Heterosexual fondling titty fuck yusuke mitsuki toyohara mizuhara multiple partners
This is an old version of this chapter! If you liked this, please read the reformatted version as well!
When Mitsuki catches Yusuke and Reina in the act, she becomes furious and tells Yusuke to make a decision: whom he like best, Mitsuki, or Reina?
#7cm = about 2.6in
This is chapter three in a fanfiction series based on a hentai that variously known as "Anyone You Can Do, I Can Do Better!,"...
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Nibor - 13 years ago
This one had me going "Ooooh!" A lot at the disses. Also, I lol'd when they started talking in unison.
The next day, Yusuke returned to the Toyohara home. He ran his fingers through his black hair as he walked up the driveway; he had made sure to shower well before leaving, and had donned a freshly cleaned t-shirt and slacks, blue and brown in color, respectively. After all, he was expecting Reina to be more than ready and willing to seal the deal with him tonight. A smile formed on his face, remembering how good her titty-fuck yesterday had felt. Maybe tonight she'd want to get a bit more person
Anyone You Can Do, I Can Do Better! : Chapter 2: Mitsuki
Uploaded: 14 years ago
Owner: Elpie
Tags: Breasts Consensual Sex Milf hentai reina fellatio Big Breasts Heterosexual fondling titty fuck yusuke mitsuki toyohara mizuhara multiple partners
This is an old version of this chapter! If you liked this, please read the reformatted version as well!
When Yusuke arrives early at the Toyohara home for Reina’s second tutoring session, Mitsuki gets him alone and seduces him, making him promise to only have sex with her.
#¥350,000,000,000,000,000 (350 quadrillion) = US $4,000,000,000,000 (4 trillion), or the gross domestic product (GDP) of Japan
#9cm = about 3.5in
[ Continued ... ]
Nibor - 13 years ago
*sees currency conversion* O.O
Look at all those zeros! O.O O.O
"*Ugh!* I can't *believe* you!!" Kazue said, picking up her soda and dumping it on Yusuke's head. She stood up, her breasts bouncing a bit as she did, and stormed out of the restaurant.
"Wait, Kazue, come back!" Yusuke called after his now ex-girlfriend, "I know I shouldn't have done that, just give me another chance!" Kazue ignored him, however, and he ran after her. She got into her car and slammed the door, pulling the seatbelt across her rather large che
Anyone You Can Do, I Can Do Better! : Chapter 1: Reina
Uploaded: 14 years ago
Owner: Elpie
Tags: Breasts hentai reina Big Breasts Heterosexual fondling yusuke mitsuki toyohara mizuhara titty-fuck
This is an old version of this chapter! If you liked this, please read the reformatted version as well!
Yusuke is sought out Reina, who asks him to be her private tutor in order to bring up her failing grades, only for things to get out of hand on the very first day.
#futon: traditional Japanese bedding consisting of padded mattresses and quilts that can easily be folded up for storage
#5cm = about 2in
#25cm = about...
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GilPix - 10 years ago
Looking for some new/old reading material. Stumbled upon here, I look forward for to what I will see!
Firefly212056 - 14 years ago
Very yummy!
Elpie - 3 months ago
thanks very much! ;)