The night was alive with giggles and chatter as Dakota and her tiny friends gathered for a sleepover in her room. Tinies, only a few inches tall, lived among normal people, facing challenges every day just to survive. From the risk of being overlooked to the constant threat of being mishandled, life for a tiny was full of hardships that often went unnoticed by the larger world. Despite this, Dakota and her friends tried to enjoy their moments of fun and laughter, seeking brief escapes from the h
The Sleepover
Favorited: 3 months ago
The Tiny Life…
Click. Click.
You can’t help but sigh in disappointment. These jobs are terrible. You’re plumbing the bottom of the barrel. You don’t think you can take another mind-numbing captcha or data scraping job. Lately, these crap jobs barely even pay for the computer time it takes you to do them, even if you work at 3am when the rates are cheapest. Like I’m doing now, you think, trying to suppress another ya
Show and Tell
By: hatter
Favorited: 6 months ago
"We can't quit now, we're practically in!" Jenna hissed, shooting a scowl at Taylor.
"I dunno, I don't really feel good about this anymore."
Jenna rolled her eyes dramatically. Not that anyone else could tell in the darkened interior of the shabby utility van. The best friends were rushing to join Kappa Tau Alpha, one of the most exclusive and storied sorority houses at their university. After a week
The Rush
By: Ohgra
Favorited: 7 months ago
The setting sun could barely be seen peeking out from behind the mountain range on the horizon. Maryanne was nearly brushing against the rickety shed as she continued her work. She was in a deep hunch, her long raven hair held in a messy ponytail that dangled just beside her right arm. She squinted as she held the comparatively miniscule sword in her left hand. To the young forty-foot woman, the broadsword looked more like a metal toothpick than anything possible of bodily harm. Pinching a worn
Polishing Off Some Pork
By: DoodTasty
Favorited: 11 months ago
“Mateo! You are staying after class today after the stunt you pulled!” the giant Professor, Ms Monica, bellowed. And so it was. Ms Monica was a strict but fair Professor that had little tolerance for Mateo’s games as of late. She was a 30s something woman who wore a sleeveless shirt covered by a tight black suit. She had only a slight indication of chub on her body. Mateo was staying after class while the rest of the students enjoyed the weekend. Mateo’s parents were out of the c
To Digest For her Pleasure
By: Volunteer
Favorited: 1 year ago
A Volunteer from the Audience
The little applause light above the stage clicked on, bright red, a second before the spotlights above cast out to the audience. I put on my best ‘thrilled audience member’ face and clapped until the lights flicked back and the sign flicked off.
It’s not that the appeal was lost on me, not exactly, but there was no way I could match Emma’s enthusiasm. Since her aunt had started working with the backstage crew, she’d been participating i
A Volunteer from the Audience
By: Cerise
Favorited: 3 years ago
Dr. Taleo stood at the edge of the sink, busily going through the motions of sanitizing all of his equipment after he had finished with his last patient. As always, his mind began to wander and this time he couldn’t help but recall how he had ended up in this place. “Has it really been two years?” he said softly to himself as he shifted the massive metal rod in his hands to get to a new spot he hadn’t cleaned yet. He thought back to the day he arrived on Saltian, his firs
The Anthro Doctor part 1
By: psaykotic
Favorited: 3 years ago
Wind roared, howled, and whipped as an overwhelming torrent of snow and frost brought winters wrath apon foolheartedly trotted woods. Through tightly squinted eyes the flurry of snow blurred the sight of a small scavenging party lost amidst the storm. Shadows and flickers of the world beyond the wall of white gave glimpse of the environment. There was little to see outside of the silhouettes of the others out scavenging, but with a blink even those faded from sight.
Cabin in the Snow
By: Lighthea
Favorited: 3 years ago
Sara and the other two girls made their way down the cavernous hallway counting the numbers on the towering condo doors they passed. Well, they were towering to her anyway, at only about five inches tall many things in the world were gigantic to her.
“I’m just saying it’s still bullshit,” Angie continued, “I don’t care how much they are paying us, they are supposed to tell us about the job before we agree to it.” said the short haired brunette. There were no r
Odd Job
By: BitesizedAmy
Favorited: 3 years ago
Chapter 5
"I'm sorry, what?"
Anna stared down at Lilly in utter disbelief. The tiny simply looked back at her, as if she hadn't just said the ten most utterly baffling words Anna had ever heard.
"You're going to eat me," the tiny woman reiterated, although her previous bravado was beginning to ebb into an adorably nervous excitement.
"Okay," Anna said slowly. "When you say eat, are we talking the more, ah, figurative sense of the word, or are you looking for a more... holistic experience?"
Anna, Chapter 5: Lilly
By: thecheese01
Favorited: 4 years ago
A Young Witch's Lesson in Creative Thinking
by Thecheese01
She was doing it. She was actually doing it!
Brilliant, shimmering light reflected off Nissa's eyes, bright white contrasting with deep green. Her vision swam as she forced herself to look directly into her fragile, if blinding creation. The orb of pure, white light hung tenuously in the air, it's edges shifting and wobbling, as if they could give at any moment. They probably would, but it didn't matter. This only needed to last for a se
A Young Witch's Lesson in Creative Thinking
By: thecheese01
Favorited: 4 years ago